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Real Estate App React Native With Firebase Real Estate App React Native With Firebase
Real Estate App React Native with Firabae and AdMob integration. Includes payment options (Paypal, Stripe).Home / App Templates / React

Real Estate App React Native With Firebase
Real Estate App React Native with Firabae and AdMob integration. Includes payment options (Paypal...8 Support questions or comments
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11 months agoovisan Purchasedcould you please tell me if you're willing to update the app even if there is a cost ? let me know
11 months agoBlastek250 AuthorYes sure, i will contact you
11 months agoovisan Purchasedjust a quick one, is it that difficult to upddate the app? i mean.. most of the people will have latest ios versions on their phone.. it wouldnt be so useful to have just up to ios 15
11 months agoBlastek250 AuthorTechnically no but it will take some time since there might be outdated code in various places that will need replacement/update.
11 months agoovisan Purchasedso what can i do in this instance ? i mean there is outdated code in various places as you say i cannot manage to run the app even as it is right now .. because i get a lot of errors
11 months agoovisan Purchased?
11 months agoovisan Purchasedjust a quick "silly" question. Would the app for iOS work for iOS11 or iOS 11 and above ?
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11 months agoovisan Purchased?
11 months agoBlastek250 AuthorCan you try the above steps with an older Node (v15.x) and npm version?
11 months agoovisan Purchasedi got this sorted but now there is another problem ..
dragos@Dragoss-MacBook-Pro ios % pod install
Analyzing dependencies
[!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "React/Core":
In Podfile:
React/Core (from `../node_modules/react-native`)
None of your spec sources contain a spec satisfying the dependency: `React/Core (from `../node_modules/react-native`)`.
You have either:
* out-of-date source repos which you can update with `pod repo update` or with `pod install --repo-update`.
* mistyped the name or version.
* not added the source repo that hosts the Podspec to your Podfile.
11 months agoovisan Purchasedhey , the image on the doc file is blurry and i dont know what to set up on indexes (Firestore database , indexes) i setup the rules but indexes image attached to the doc file is blurry can you help ?
11 months agoBlastek250 AuthorHi ovisan, can you have a look here and tell me if it helps? https://blastek.net/docs-2/real-estate-app-react-native/security-indexes/
11 months agoovisan Purchasedyes, that would help. for this matter. thanks
Mar 16, 2024ovisan Purchasedhi there, i am curious if there are any updates on the app ? i would like to purchase
please let me know asap if possible
Dec 10, 2023ovisan Purchasedwould the apps work with latest ios updates?
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Feb 26, 2024ovisan Purchased?
Mar 22, 2024Blastek250 AuthorHi ovisan, sorry for the late reply. There has not been enough interest in this app so the update was postponed. I see you purchased the template so, please feel free to contact me for any assistance you might need. Thank you.
Mar 23, 2024ovisan Purchasedwill definitely do. thank you
Feb 22, 2023Hello, I have some games, are you interested in switching apps?
Feb 23, 2023Blastek250 AuthorHi Pedroguilherme, not into game apps but you can contact me
Dec 3, 2021GLWS!
Dec 3, 2021Blastek250 AuthorThank you!
Category | App Templates / React |
First release | 29 November 2021 |
Last update | 29 November 2021 |
Operating Systems | Android 8.0, iOS 11.0, Android 9.0, iOS 12.0, Android 10.0, iOS 14.0, iOS 13.0, Android 11.0, Android 12.0 |
Files included | .php, .css, Javascript .js |
Tags | real estate, admob, react native template, real estate app, paypal payments. stripe payments, app monetiazation, admob mobile app |