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Telegram Notification For PrestashopTelegram Notification For Prestashop
Manage your store from your Telegram Account

Home / Plugins / Prestashop

Telegram Notification For Prestashop
Manage your store from your Telegram Account

2 Support questions or comments
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May 11, 2018shervud PurchasedI have downloaded and installed the module.
It has been succressfully added by /addshop .
But any orders, user registrations and so on activitites... all does not work!
What can I do? -
May 11, 2018Kijam AuthorI check and the bot is online, maybe is you Prestashop settings, you can send me the access to backoffce to [email protected]?
May 14, 2018shervud Purchased
Hello, Kijam. I emailed to you the information with URL, Email and password , so that you have an access into BackOffice of test site. Also I am duplicating the content of my Email below (without credentials to back-office) :
I have installed a fresh Prestashop version and your module, too.
Also I added your bot @ECommerceNotifyBot , typed /start and then /addshop <unique token>
The bot answered me the following:
Ihar the store <url here> was assigned successfully.
I made an order as guest, but did not receive any update from the bot.
Also I made a test purchase as registered user (at checkout step I registered a new user), but I did not not receive any notification from the bot.
Invesigate it please.
What is wrong?
Jul 3, 2017orioljorge PurchasedHe adquirido vuestro modulo para mi tienda online y me parece muy interesante.
Se podrian añadir alguna funcionalidad mas como:
- Obtener el ultimo pedido
- Listar la facturación mensual que llevamos con el numero total de pedidos
Ahora mismo son las 2 funcionalidades que se me ocurren.
Un saludo, -
Jul 6, 2017Kijam AuthorGracias por tu sugerencia, en futuras versiones podría añadir estas funcionalidades.
Category | Plugins / Prestashop |
First release | 8 February 2017 |
Last update | 10 February 2017 |
Supported CMS | PrestaShop 1.6, PrestaShop 1.5 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, Javascript .js |
Tags | prestashop, notification, telegram |