Phone Number Verification Plugin For Osclass Phone Number Verification Plugin For Osclass
Phone Number Verification plugin for Osclass helps you to verify phone numbers1 Support questions or comments
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Nov 27, 2022Please update the plugin as per the New TRAI guidelines of Indian Telecom, Template ID also need to pass from the URL to send SMS for documentation refer to this https://bit.ly/3ODbMOT.
My issues are
1) Need DLT Template ID field to send SMS from MSG91 and (in URL we need to pass this template id) mandatory
2) With the Delta theme UI/UX is not compatible (screenshot https://prnt.sc/IJ7bfTVdZQrR)
3) Add Country codes in front of Flags while choosing the country (screenshot https://prnt.sc/hWU9E9xndKeb)
Also, Integrate Whatsapp SMS API for OTP and other messages. https://app.fivemojo.com is my own website, where I will provide Whatsapp API for free for 1 year of registered users.
My suggestion is WhatsApp API is better than SMS nowadays, with very cheap message cost, user's own sender ID, etc...
Please fix the msg91 issues on priority. -
Dec 3, 2022OsclassMarket AuthorThis is osclass plugins not for whatsapp website.. Before buy you need to check all documentation and description.. we already mentioned in our description that we will not refund once you downloaded..
Dec 3, 2022I am not asking for WhatsApp, I just suggested future updates. I don't need WhatsApp messages.
But I am asking solution for msg91.com SMS gateway. msg91 SMS gateway not working in this plugin.
Even I don't need a refund if you provide me the solution.