Laravel And Livewire Starter KitLaravel And Livewire Starter Kit
Save your time while starting your next laravel livewire project or grab some functionality from the kit to your code.
Laravel And Livewire Starter Kit
Save your time while starting your next laravel livewire project or grab some functionality from ...6 Support questions or comments
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Feb 21, 2022Giovanni13 PurchasedHello is update to Laravel 9?
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Mar 13, 2022Giovanni13 PurchasedHello, where is the crud to manage customers? if it is included in the invoices it is not working see animated gif, furthermore to improve the views of the lists it is better to use livewire-datatables I recommend to include it for many cruds https://ibb.co/ngDMV26
Mar 13, 2022Giovanni13 PurchasedThere are permissions problems that I am fixing and of matching users to roles, probably some bugs in the management, moreover if they are launched several times the permissions are duplicated. In fact, I created a new crud with specific permissions and the same do not appear in the view for matching with roles.
Mar 13, 2022Giovanni13 PurchasedI understand the permissions management is bad there is no loop that reads all the roles and permissions and displays them in the view but the permissions are put in the blade view for those who are there now, this thing has not been taken care of at all and I don't like it I have to fix it.
Dec 22, 2021mingda PurchasedHi,
I get an Error for the Command "php artisan migrate:fresh --seed" it displays:
syntax error, unexpected '=>' (T_DOUBLE_ARROW), expecting ''
at app/Providers/FortifyServiceProvider.php:36
** I'm running PHP version 7.3 -
Dec 22, 2021clovonscripts AuthorHi,
PHP arrow functions was introduced on PHP version 7.4 so there are two options I can suggest:
1. You can either use a minimum of PHP version 7.4 (recommeded)
2. or you can change that FortifyServiceProvider line 36 code.
Fortify::loginView(fn () => view('auth.login');
Fortify::loginView(function () {
return view('auth.login';
Please let me know if you get any further issues.
Thank You -
Dec 22, 2021mingda PurchasedThank you for your fast and effective service.
Mar 13, 2022Giovanni13 PurchasedI understand the permissions management is bad there is no loop that reads all the roles and permissions and displays them in the view but the permissions are put in the blade view for those who are there now, this thing has not been taken care of at all and I don't like it I have to fix it.
Jul 2, 2021mpinto PurchasedHello, thank you for this project.
After Login it displays the Error "Error - Undefined class constant 'HOME'" in file app/Http/Middleware/RedirectIfAuthenticated.php:26.
Also I get an Error for the Command "php artisan migrate:fresh --seed" it displays:
syntax error, unexpected '=>' (T_DOUBLE_ARROW), expecting ''
at app/Providers/FortifyServiceProvider.php:36
Do you know, how to solve this?
Thanks. -
Jul 2, 2021clovonscripts AuthorHi,
You are welcome. Please make sure that you are using PHP version greater than 7
Jun 27, 2021budisaka PurchasedHi.. i have problem in Member, the role not changed after save.
How to solve that? Thanks -
Jun 27, 2021clovonscripts AuthorHi,
Please let me know your PHP and MySQL versions. Also is this specific to your system or there is same issue here: http://livewirestarterkit.tailwindcsscarousel.com/login . Also please check your message.
May 21, 2021jsalazar PurchasedHola, buenas noches
seguĂ el procedimiento, al digitar muestra sin problema la venta welcome.blade.php, cuando digito : o
muestra el mensaje 404 NO Found en la ventana de mensaje muestra lo siguiente
2 templates were rendered
errors::404 (\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\views\404.blade.php)
errors::minimal (\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\views\minimal.blade.php)
May 21, 2021clovonscripts AuthorHi,
Please login first by visting: and then you will have access to the dashboard.
May 18, 2021mjhcremer PurchasedHello I get an error when I want to create an invoice.
Class 'NumberFormatter' not found (View: C:\wamp64\www\starter-kit\resources\views\livewire\admin\invoices\create-invoice-form.blade.php)
What is missing? -
May 19, 2021clovonscripts AuthorHi,
You need to enable php intl extension by uncommenting the line: extension=ext/php_intl.dll
1: C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache[version]\bin\php.ini
2: C:\wamp\bin\php\php[version]\php.ini
After uncommenting, you need to restart the wamp server.
Please let me know if you got any issue.
May 19, 2021mjhcremer PurchasedIn both files I found extension=intl already active.
May 19, 2021clovonscripts AuthorHi please check your message.
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Miscellaneous |
First release | 16 April 2021 |
Last update | 11 July 2022 |
Software version | PHP 7.4, PHP 8.0 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, Javascript .js |
Tags | starter kit, laravel livewire, laravel livewire starter kit, laravel livewire boilerplate code, laravel livewire realworld project |