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Axion - Domain for Sale HTML TemplateAxion - Domain for Sale HTML Template
A professional site template that can be quickly configured and put up to help sell a domain name.

Home / Themes / HTML / Miscellaneous

Axion - Domain for Sale HTML Template
A professional site template that can be quickly configured and put up to help sell a domain name.

1 Support questions or comments
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Jun 25, 2019Hello: How does it work for multiple domains? We add domains to config file and then park, addon or alias the domain on the main domain via cPanel? Please show backend screenshot examples if you can. Thanks.
Jun 25, 2019Fuselight AuthorSo there wasn't a real plan for this when we built the template. The idea was to help automate some of the preferences, but everything else (like multiple domain masking) was up to the user.
As such, I don't have a good answer for handing a large set of domains, but you can always set up some sort of alias and use GET variables to change major details. Google & StackExchange should be super-helpful getting set up.
Good luck!
Category | Themes / HTML / Miscellaneous |
First release | 12 December 2016 |
Last update | 12 December 2016 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, Layered .psd, Javascript .js |
Tags | responsive, web template, contact form, domain, captcha, html template, fuselight, domain sale, php template, google captcha, domain for sale, accessible, section 508, php mailer |