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YouTube Video Download - Android Studio TemplateYouTube Video Download - Android Studio Template
One can download YouTube videos via link or keyword and also can watch videoHome / App Templates / Android / Applications / Video

YouTube Video Download - Android Studio Template
One can download YouTube videos via link or keyword and also can watch video4 Support questions or comments
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May 3, 2021I request to the author to solve my issue just today if not i will place a request for refund I have purchased this application and now the author is not giving me support there is a big error in the application when the download is complete the video is disappeared from the device you can not find the video in the gallery or in the file manager i talk to the the author he respond me only once he said that they will solve the issue but after that conversation he's not responding to me now i am sending messages on Skype and i am sending emails to him but he's not responding almost 1 month is completed of my purchase the author is run away i just waste my time and money.
I recommend to every one to don't purchase coz i have such a bad experience with this app and author. -
May 3, 2021Illuminateapps AuthorAs we discussed on Skype and we have help you to setting up the project and other android studio setup from scratch that time we told you to it is something wrong with device itself. That's a client side error but still we are investigating(help).
if you feel unsatisfied, you can issue refund, we will issue the refund.
Apr 16, 2021I'm trying this after the download i can not find the video in gallery and in file manager.
2. Is this compatible with ios?
3. If i want to buy can you modifie it please?
4. Can i upload this to playstore?
Please Assit me with this.
Thank you - View 1 more reply
Apr 16, 2021Illuminateapps AuthorYes, we can modify for you too but it is depend on your requirement.
Apr 16, 2021I want to increase the number of Ads and an Option for rating in the app and too show downloaded videos on the app also.
Apr 16, 2021Illuminateapps AuthorPossible. can we talk further on "stayahead007" skype ?
Apr 2, 2021demo apk please if possible please send live play store application link
Apr 2, 2021Illuminateapps AuthorSure. I am sharing .apk file via Google drive.
have fun mate!!
Mar 31, 2021this app is allowed in app store?
Mar 31, 2021Illuminateapps AuthorHi Harnelp, Yes, of course you can upload but in your application title google will not allowed to use "YouTube" because of keyword Violation policy so only for that you need to be bit creative to choose **app title**. Thanks for asking nice question. let us know if we can help more. Have fun!!
Category | App Templates / Android / Applications / Video |
First release | 29 March 2021 |
Last update | 7 May 2021 |
Files included | .apk, .dex, .java, .xml, build.settings |
Tags | template, android, download, Downloader, youtube, video, link, keywords, play video, android studio project, application template |