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Bird Tower Unity Casual Game With AdmobBird Tower Unity Casual Game With Admob
Put the birds on top of each other’s heads and see how high you can go!!!Home / App Templates / Unity / Templates / Casual

Bird Tower Unity Casual Game With Admob
Put the birds on top of each other’s heads and see how high you can go!!!No support questions or comments
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Category | App Templates / Unity / Templates / Casual |
First release | 27 March 2021 |
Last update | 27 March 2021 |
Operating Systems | iOS 10.0, Android 7.0, Android 8.0, iOS 11.0, Android 9.0, iOS 12.0, MacOS 10.14, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Unity 2019, Android 10.0, iOS 8.0, iOS 9.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Files included | .cs, .csproj, .apk, .prefab |
Tags | android, iOS, admob, Unity, Cartoon, 2d game, mobile game, one touch game, unity 2d, casual game, endless gameplay |