Uploader PHP ScriptUploader PHP Script
Upload, download and share files. Upload file with any format.

Uploader PHP Script
Upload, download and share files. Upload file with any format.

2 Support questions or comments
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Mar 1, 2023LotteDevone PurchasedHi all,
Is there someone who wants to help me install this script. I tried myself, but can't get it to work.
I thought it was a simple thing, but it seems like it isn't. -
Mar 1, 2023LotteDevone PurchasedWhat i did so far:
- Created a DB.
- Added DB info into config.php
- Uploaded all files to 'public_html/bestanden'
- Changed name of table uploaded_files_x to uploaded_files (Didn't quite understand what it ment)
- Changed location in upload.php. -
Jul 6, 2023LotteDevone PurchasedNo support at all? I paid for this script so a little support would be nice!
6 months agoCZEdeveloper AuthorHello, I'm sorry for late response but now I'm back in the game. Is this topic still relevant / up-to-date?
Apr 13, 2021hello, would it possible to automatically delete all files from servers after 24 hours? this would make a good anonymous upload script
Apr 13, 2021CZEdeveloper AuthorHello, yes it is possible. There are many ways to achieve this. You can use database update / delete query or create .php configuration file and upload it this .php file to your server. I will write this proposal and maybe add it to the next version of the uploader. Thank you very much for this point.
Apr 13, 2021that would be great, similar to the Pastebin site you can also include a feature to let users set a timer for self-destruction, password-protected files, It would be great.
Apr 14, 2021CZEdeveloper AuthorYes, know about it. But a lot of work on the new project for now.
This req. I will add in the next version.
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Uploaders |
First release | 26 February 2021 |
Last update | 4 March 2021 |
Software version | PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2, PHP 7.3, PHP 7.4 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, Javascript .js |
Database | MySQL 4.x, MySQL 5.x |
Tags | download, upload, files, share, uploader, link |