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Fashion Dress Up - Unity Game Source CodeFashion Dress Up - Unity Game Source Code
Fashion Dress Up is a game for kids with amazing unique graphics and an amazingly addictive experience. In the game, the player us

Home / App Templates / Unity / Templates / Kids

Fashion Dress Up - Unity Game Source Code
Fashion Dress Up is a game for kids with amazing unique graphics and an amazingly addictive exper...

9 Support questions or comments
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Jan 26, 2020demo plase~
Jan 27, 2020
Jan 27, 2020Thanks.
There are questions.
The dress up screen > button
does not work properly.
Can I save an dress up image I created?
Share feature?
Please add...
Oct 29, 2018Fatty PurchasedHi there,
I've gotten 101 errors when opening the game, I can't even view the game. I'm using Unity 2018.2.14f1.
These errors include:
Assets/Scripts/Models/BaseItem.cs(8,16): warning CS0108: `BaseItem.name' hides inherited member `UnityEngine.Object.name'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended
Assets/Scripts/Data/LockUnlockItems.cs(36,15): warning CS0108: `LockUnlockItems.SaveData()' hides inherited member `BaseItem.SaveData()'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended
Assets/Chartboost/Examples/ChartboostExample/ChartboostExample.cs(83,14): warning CS0618: `ChartboostSDK.Chartboost.didDisplayInterstitial' is obsolete: `didDisplayInterstitial is not Available on Android Unity, it will be removed in a future release'
Assets/Chartboost/Scripts/Chartboost.cs(996,7): warning CS0618: `ChartboostSDK.Chartboost.didDisplayInterstitial' is obsolete: `didDisplayInterstitial is not Available on Android Unity, it will be removed in a future release'
Assets/MRPackage/MRUtilities/iTween.cs(710,32): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.GUIText' is obsolete: `This component is part of the legacy UI system and will be removed in a future release.'
Ignoring asset refresh of 00000000000000001000000020000000 because the file or its directory couldn't be found!
There also isn't a reskinning guide in the rar file.
Thanks for your time! - View 4 more replies
Oct 29, 2018pumplumgames AuthorWill try to include the documentation as well.
Oct 30, 2018pumplumgames AuthorI have updated the project. You can get the latest one in a couple of hours. Thanks
Nov 6, 2018Fatty PurchasedHi there again
I've tried for days to make the game work. I can play the game but I'm still unable to see the game in the scene when not in play mode.
I've also tried several versions of Unity to see if the issuse go away but nothing is changing. Currently using Unity 2017.3.0f3 (64-bit) on Windows 10
I also still have over 115 warnings such as:
Assets/Scripts/Models/BaseItem.cs(8,16): warning CS0108: `BaseItem.name' hides inherited member `UnityEngine.Object.name'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended
Assets/Scripts/Data/LockUnlockItems.cs(36,15): warning CS0108: `LockUnlockItems.SaveData()' hides inherited member `BaseItem.SaveData()'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended
Assets/MRPackage/MRUtilities/iTween.cs(748,26): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.GUITexture' is obsolete: `This component is part of the legacy UI system and will be removed in a future release.'
Assets/Plugins/StansAssets/Modules/ManifestManager/Editor/AMM_ManifestManagerWindow.cs(249,12): warning CS0618: `UnityEditor.EditorWindow.title' is obsolete: `Use titleContent instead (it supports setting a title icon as well).'
Could not create asset from Assets/Editor/Vungle/VungleSDK/VungleSDK.framework/Versions/A/Resources/vg_mute_on.png: File could not be read
Every time I try to resolve an issue, more warnings appear
Jul 6, 2018Danish PurchasedError: Assets/MRPackage/MRAdNetwork/MRUnityAdsImplementation.cs(116,25): error CS0433: The imported type `UnityEngine.Advertisements.ShowResult' is defined multiple times
Version: 2018.1.1f6 -
Jul 8, 2018pumplumgames AuthorThis error occurs when you import unity ads package as well as enable unity ads through unity services. This project has already included unity ads package so do not try to enable unity ads through unity services dashboard.
Jul 9, 2018Danish PurchasedOk thanks
Jul 9, 2018Danish Purchased
Jul 6, 2018Danish PurchasedHi Developer,
Can you please add more items to the wardrobe? -
Jul 8, 2018pumplumgames AuthorWe will try to add more items in the coming weeks.
Mar 13, 2018Dutchy PurchasedHello,
Just purchased your product but i got a lot of compile errors. "Jar was not found"
On opening the project with Unity i got a message that it is build an outdated version and Unity asked me to convert the scripts automatically (which I did). I am using Unity v.2017.1.1f1 Personal edition.
Please fix/advice, i really like the game on google play and i don't want to go to refund or rate low. -
Mar 13, 2018pumplumgames AuthorWe have fixed these issues and submitted the updated project today so you will be able to get the updated one in a day or so. Use latest unity version '2017.3' for the updated one. Thanks
Mar 10, 2018selimaksoy PurchasedHi, I am getting this error, please help?
UnassignedReferenceException: The variable black of GamePlay has not been assigned.
You probably need to assign the black variable of the GamePlay script in the inspector. -
Mar 13, 2018pumplumgames AuthorWe have fixed these issues and submitted the updated project today so you will be able to get the updated one in a day or so. Use latest unity version '2017.3' for the updated one. Thanks
Jul 10, 2017Kritter5x PurchasedI'm having a difficult time editing this. Why can't I see anything but a camera in the scene view? No other objects seem to be visible.
Also you said the code was well commented but I'm finding that most of the code isn't commented or described at all, making it nearly impossible to tell what does what. - View 1 more reply
Jan 25, 2018rtfnina PurchasedHaving same issue. 20+ compile errors on opening the template so I can't run game at all. Please help.
Feb 2, 2018pumplumgames AuthorActually this product is using some plugins that have been deprecated or updated recently. This is the reason you are getting errors. So just let us update the product first. Once its done I’ll notify you in a day or so. Thanks
Feb 3, 2018pumplumgames AuthorWe have submitted the updated project so you will be able to get the updated one once it becomes available. Thanks
Nov 14, 2016Ömer2 Purchaseddemo plase
Nov 14, 2016
Category | App Templates / Unity / Templates / Kids |
First release | 29 October 2016 |
Last update | 30 October 2018 |
Operating Systems | Unity 5.0, iOS 10.0, iOS 8.0, iOS 9.0, Unity 4.5 |
Files included | Layered .png, .cs, .apk, .unityproj, .obj, .prefab, build.settings |
Tags | Unity Game, kids game |