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Hawaiian Solitaire - Unity Source CodeHawaiian Solitaire - Unity Source Code
The best solitaire game you'll ever buy.

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Hawaiian Solitaire - Unity Source Code
The best solitaire game you'll ever buy.

5 Support questions or comments
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Sep 1, 2021Hi! I want to buy this source code, before this I want to see the documentation u have for settuping iaps and reskin islands
Jun 7, 2021kalin PurchasedHi there,
Yes i read your short docs in which you mention how to setup In App purchase and Ads..
I made product Ids with that method and game is live now and IAP working fine now, but the problem is after purchasing game does not add the coins in my game inventory, so the problem is in your code!
Please solve this issue via Team viewer or provide update source code.
Looking forward to your response!
Thanks in advance.. - View 5 more replies
Jun 14, 2021kalin PurchasedDon`t you read what I am sending to you, I just changed the Product Id`s and I assigned them in the google play console!
Jun 15, 2021GameDeveloper AuthorYes, if you want them to work, don't change them without knowing how the product ID's work with that backend of the game.
Jun 15, 2021kalin PurchasedCheck this. The methods for adding the coins are missing, why are you telling me that is my fault. I lost 2 weeks figuring out what the problem is. Fix it!
Dec 10, 2020jinxing1 Purchasedhow can i to edit the level card
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Dec 19, 2020GameDeveloper AuthorAll you need to do is double click the folder that comes out of the zip & you'll see a .pdf
Dec 21, 2020jinxing1 Purchasedi need you help to coding this projcect,Would you be interested?i will pay you money
Jun 19, 2021GameDeveloper AuthorSorry, we are too busy on our own projects.
Dec 4, 2020Привет, можно получить APK файл?
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May 23, 2021Memphisd PurchasedDear GameMaker, We need the streaming assets to be able to change/modify levels. All the level data has been coded in the streming-assets folder. Would you help us?? No-where in the game description this issue has been mentioned. we're stock.
May 25, 2021kalin PurchasedHello. There are a lot of compilation errors. Please give me some e-mail or phone number, because I need help.
May 31, 2021Memphisd PurchasedPlease provide us with e FULL source code of the levels (streaming assets) or I will resolve the issue through PayPal.