Deviance Dark And Light - MyBB ThemeDeviance Dark And Light - MyBB Theme
Deviance is a light and dark responsive theme for mybb

17 Support questions or comments
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1 month agowmsi PurchasedWhat is the best way to install the light and dark themes so I can make template edits to just one theme and not have to do it to both? When I installed dark as a child to light, it works but the dark background color is wrong.
4 weeks agorainbb AuthorYou have two XML files: one for the light theme and another for the dark theme. Improve both files into themes. Modifications can be made to either the light or dark template independently. Changes applied to the light template will not affect the dark template, and vice versa.
5 months agoHello my friend how can i contact with u? I send you invite on discord but i don't get an ansver :/
5 months agorainbb Authori accepted your friend request on discord
Jan 25, 2023I'm going to buy this when next version comes up & a few of the bugs are ironed out.
I'm still using DarkLear in the meantime but when this Theme has had a few versions released so all initial bugs are gone, I will be replacing DarkLear on my new Forum with THIS THEME!
So far I use DarkLear on All my myBB Fiorums, but will be buying all your themes eventually when i get enough funds from my online marketplace. (btw you should make a digital marketplace & V.I.P section plugins for myBB , i'm just learning php/mysql & myBB coding and working on simple Donation Form Plugin (which will have PayPal, Srtipe, www.mcro.cc/Coinbase Crypto Plugins) as a starter, but want a partner to build a Sell, Buy & Trade Digi-Marketplace for myBB & then V.I.P Plugin (can only see certain forums, creates you in v.i.p userGroup once you 'donate', or signup for v.i.p monthly or yearly membership & other cool v.i.p features like shows V.I.P as your main UserGroup & Creates myBB V.I.P Section of Forums that can only be seen and accessed by v.i.p members only!)
NOTICE-> In Meantime, can you put ADVERTISEMENT SECTION on Left Sidebar on DARKLEAR THEME like the same on on this Forum here please, or give us CSS/HTML/PHP Codes to Update the Advertisement Box on DARKLEAR so it has Heading and everything (a direct style COPY) from this theme -> DARKLEAR please? So far darklear Theme has very simple Advertisement Box with no Heading like this Theme (AWESOME & THANKS!} -
Jan 25, 2023rainbb AuthorDear Jayism,
Thank you for expressing interest in my theme. so far to this date, I have not received any reports of bugs or issues with the theme. If you happen to encounter any bugs, I would appreciate it if you could provide a detailed report of the issue so that I can address it promptly.
Please note that I specialize in creating themes and do not offer services for MyBB plugins. However, if you require a custom page or design for a specific plugin, please feel free to contact me on Discord (rain#8733) and I would be happy to assist you. Additionally, for any announcements, please do not hesitate to reach out to me for customization.
Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,
Apr 5, 2022Nathan21 PurchasedA couple bugs I am struggling with:
1. Attachment section on a post does not display, cant add pictures to posts.
2. Video thumbnails are showing blank boxes but can click them and hear audio
3. Cannot access forums, the top link only allows you to click into the latest posts or today's posts, cant go to actual forum.
Also can you comment on any documentation available? I cannot find where to set the ad on the sidebar or the additional menu items. Thanks! -
Apr 6, 2022rainbb Authorcan you contact me on discord? rain#8733
im pretty sure most of the list is not bugs or maybe plugins compatibility -
Apr 7, 2022Nathan21 PurchasedHi, I disabled all other plugins and it still occurs on both mobile and desktop. I have added you on discord. The attachments section shows up for a split second and then disappears. 3rd comment was incorrectly listed. The portal is no longer viewable on mobile, I was actually on the forum page, and the logo takes you to the forum on the home page so it was throwing me off. I disabled the portal, since it seems to be solved with the better theme layout that you have provided. Overall very happy with the theme, once I get these fixed, I am sure it will serve us well.
Apr 8, 2022rainbb Authorgreat, i'll contact you on discord and will help you to fix these
Mar 2, 2022Sexycaramelx PurchasedWhere is the Admin CP located? I see the MOD CP but I must be missing it, As well for some reason I see 2 Recent Alerts icons at the top, is this suppose to happen?
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Mar 3, 2022Sexycaramelx PurchasedI’ve also noticed this on the custom fields.
https://prnt.sc/IBMSt384K9r_ -
Mar 3, 2022rainbb Authoryes it is possible but requires some CSS basics, if u dont know anything about that, contact me on discord rain#8733 so i can help you
ye i just noticed that, i'll udate the theme this weekend to fix few bugs, thanks for reporting -
Mar 3, 2022Sexycaramelx PurchasedI have added you
Feb 28, 2022Grant5 PurchasedWould this theme be compatible with Wordpress from the get go? I've purchased the theme, running WP site with elementor, hello theme, bbpress Version 2.6.9 - how would I go about installing this bbpress theme?
Feb 28, 2022rainbb Authori actually don't know, or never tried to install this theme this way, you could google on how to install the theme on wordpress or ask support from wordpress/bbpress plugin creator
Dec 12, 2021Kzmi92 PurchasedHi,
Post attachment area is not showing up in the theme, it does work with the default theme.
This theme:
Default theme:
https://i.imgur.com/igpJRtH.png -
Apr 5, 2022Nathan21 PurchasedI have this issue also
Nov 19, 2021Nick35 PurchasedAfter uploading the files, the xml will not install. I see others have the same issue. Is there a fix for this?
Nov 19, 2021rainbb Authorwhen importing the xml file, make sure to tick the "Ignore Version Compatibility" and should be fine.
other than that you can contact me on discord for a live chat rain#8733
Nov 2, 2021Hi Where I can found and change "Latest Posts" text on sidebar
Nov 2, 2021rainbb Authorindex template
Oct 12, 2021pirateszone1 PurchasedHey! How can I change the theme color? Can you please help me out?
Oct 14, 2021rainbb Authorsure, i can help you out, contact me on discord for live chat; rain#8733