VideoMap - Geolocation Video Search ScriptVideoMap - Geolocation Video Search Script
The script searchs for videos using Youtube Data API and display the recording location on the map.

VideoMap - Geolocation Video Search Script
The script searchs for videos using Youtube Data API and display the recording location on the map.

9 Support questions or comments
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Feb 21, 2020Hi Kareem.. I went to but your other product..the GMB scraper.. But I cant find it any longer?... please advise..Thanks Steve
Mar 2, 2020Kareem AuthorHi Steveeb
It was paused, it is activated now.
Thank you -
Sep 25, 2020Hi, you need to sorte this , this demo is no visible
Dec 17, 2017Can i see updated demo link? Thanks
Dec 19, 2017Kareem AuthorHi
My hosting is suspended, but you can see example of the script here:
I'm working on creating an updated version of the script.
Thanknyou -
Dec 19, 2017Thank you, I am following update. System works,but a few results.
Dec 19, 2017Kareem AuthorHi
The API allow for maximum 50 results per page, but you can paginate the results to see more.
My website is working now, you can check the page, it show google ads on the map.
Thank you
Jul 22, 2017Hi,
Nice script.
but its not showing all videos as if i search for the Mumbai (India) its only return 5 to 10 video but in real in Mumbai there are 10000s of video made.
and there is no filter to excluded the non embed video so it seen many videos which are non embed-able.
Thank You.
Jul 22, 2017Kareem AuthorHi
Glad that you like the script, using YouTube data API with Google Maps API will not return the exact result as using normal search.
As you mentioned, in Mumbai there are 10000s of video made - i don not know how you now the number of videos, it will be helpful if you let me know-
The script will not return all 10000s videos, it will just return the videos that contains the recording location- lat & long Coordinates-
To see how the script works lets search for all videos in Mumbai:
1- In location input i entered "Mumbai"
2- The auto complete will return some results of location.
3- Click on the first result "Mumbai, Maharashtra, India", then click on search button.
4- The script will show at max 50 videos on each page, if there are more than 50 videos a "more" button will be shown at the bottom.
5- When you click on more, the next 50 videos will be retrieved and so on.
6- There are 2 types of markers, green and red, green means that there is only one video in the location, red means that there are multiple videos in the same location.
There are 2 factors control the results, zoom level on the map and screen view port, the script will only search for videos recorded on the area in the view port of the page, so the results may vary on each time.
I did not understand the second problem you mentioned
"and there is no filter to excluded the non embed video so it seen many videos which are non embed-able."
Could you please give me an example to solve it.
If you have any other questions or suggestions, it will be great.
May 31, 2017sleekdud PurchasedHaving same problem with search. Saw answer to Bbitar stating "... you need to enable "Google Places API Web Service" API also, sorry for not including this in the documentation, i will fix it in the next update. So in the same way you enabled the google maps api and youtube data api, enable the "Google Places API Web Service" API and the search box will work.". But where do i enter the Google Places API code? In config.php? If so, how do i write it in config (e.g. google-places-api). Let me know please. Thanks.
May 31, 2017Kareem AuthorSorry for this, yes you need to enable "Google Places API Web Service" API.
There is no key for "google-places-api", you just need an API key as describe in the documentation.
The API key should be entered in the config.php file in the $config['map-api-key'] variable and you can use the same key for $config['youtube-api-key'] variable.
If you still face the problem, feel free to contact me at [email protected] -
May 31, 2017Kareem Authorcould you share your website url? it will help to solve the problem
Sep 29, 2016bbitar PurchasedOne more question please, how do I change the map location to Dubai for example? I tried to find in the code but I can't
Sep 29, 2016Kareem AuthorDid you mean the initial location when open the website?
Sep 29, 2016Kareem Authoropen the following file "assets\js\map.js" on line 24 change the values of center variables to LatLong of the location you want for example "var center = new google.maps.LatLng(25.2048, 55.2708);" for Dubai City. Also, on line 28 you could change the zoom value to 14 to zoom the map out.
Sep 27, 2016Kareem Author<?php
require_once 'classes/Video.php';
require_once 'classes/config.php';
$v = new Video($config['youtube-api-key']);
echo ( $video->search($_POST['q'], $_POST['lat'], $_POST['lng'], $_POST['rad'].'m', 'video', $_POST['order'], $_POST['pageToken'])); - View 10 more replies
Sep 27, 2016Kareem AuthorHi, bbitar, i found the solution, you need to enable "Google Places API Web Service" API also, sorry for not including this in the documentation, i will fix it in the next update. So in the same way you enabled the google maps api and youtube data api, enable the "Google Places API Web Service" API and the search box will work. Let me know if you have any problem
Sep 28, 2016bbitar Purchasedperfecccccccccccccccccccccccccccct thank you so much ... its the Google Places API Web Service
Sep 28, 2016Kareem AuthorGlad to hear that it is working
. thank you for purchase. Have a nice day!
Sep 27, 2016Kareem AuthorI check you website, the problem seems to be because you enable the error reporting. i updated the code and will upload it again, until it accepted, please replace the content in the "search.php" file with the following
require_once 'classes/Video.php';
require_once 'classes/config.php';
$v = new Video($config['developer-key']);
echo ( $v->search($_POST['q'], $_POST['lat'], $_POST['lng'], $_POST['rad'].'m', 'video', $_POST['order'], $_POST['pageToken'])); -
Sep 27, 2016bbitar Purchasedwhat about $v = new Video($config['developer-key']);
Sep 27, 2016Kareem Authori post the final update, please see the last message
Sep 27, 2016Kareem AuthorI check you website, the problem seems to be because you enable the error reporting. i updated the code and will upload it again, until it accepted, please replace the content in the "search.php" file with the following
require_once 'classes/Video.php';
require_once 'classes/config.php';
$v = new Video($config['developer-key']);
echo ( $v->search($_POST['q'], $_POST['lat'], $_POST['lng'], $_POST['rad'].'m', 'video', $_POST['order'], $_POST['pageToken'])); -
Sep 27, 2016bbitar Purchasedwhat about $v = new Video($config['developer-key']);
Sep 27, 2016bbitar PurchasedHi,
Its not working my friend, I did follow the documentation and I changed the API and all enabled and pub ID ... but search not working
http://basembitar.com/vmap -
Sep 27, 2016Kareem AuthorHi, sorry for late replay
Sep 27, 2016Kareem Authori will check it now, Thank you for your patience
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Multimedia |
First release | 20 September 2016 |
Last update | 20 September 2016 |
Files included | .php, .html, Javascript .js |
Software version | PHP 4.x, PHP 5.x, PHP 5.0, PHP 5.1, PHP 5.2, PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4 |
Tags | php, youtube, map |