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BBoard - Forum ScriptBBoard - Forum Script
Online forum cms script with classic responsive design

Home / Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Forum

BBoard - Forum Script
Online forum cms script with classic responsive design

11 Support questions or comments
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Jun 19, 2023This script is vulnerable to Stored XSS
Author: CraCkEr
Date: 19/06/2023
## Stored XSS
POST /viewforum.php?add_topic&f=24 HTTP/2
articlename=lulz&question=&answer1=&answer2=&answer3=&answer4=&answer5=&answer6=&file=&editor=[XSS Payload]&btn-login=
## Steps to Reproduce:
1. Login in Any Normal User Mode
2. Create a new Topic - Click on [+Post New]
3. Put Any Title for the Topic
4. Put your [XSS Payload] in Comment Editor and Click [Edit]
5. XSS Fired
6. Anyone will visit your Topic the [XSS Payload] Will Execute on his Browser
[-] Done -
Jun 20, 2023WEBTM AuthorHi, this script is old and that's what it is. After first relases it was not updated any longer.
It's just old and still worky. -
Jun 20, 2023that's why it need a security patch update
Jun 20, 2023WEBTM AuthorTo be honest I had started writing a quite new version of BBoard with custom MVC frameworks and I even write router, database class like eloquent, templating engine and literally everything but then I just have not any time to complete and publish any new scripts. I have some scripts that even need a couple of patches to be all done but I'm busy as hell, always.
Nov 25, 2021asmiller PurchasedI'm interested in purchasing your script, but want to check out the demo backend and user login. Can you provide some login info for your demo?
Thanks - View 6 more replies
Nov 25, 2021asmiller PurchasedI can understand that. Will you at least continue to support it if needed? Also, are you available for any customizations?
Nov 25, 2021WEBTM AuthorI always help my clients to install my items or fix some issues.
Feb 9, 2023I'm also interested in purchasing this forum script but want help with development of themes and plugins. is the code setup to allow plugins and new theme additions such as phpBB or myBB or IPB etc?
Mar 5, 2021Pls can some things be added or fixed ??
- View 1 more reply
Mar 5, 2021How can I pm you
Mar 5, 2021WEBTM AuthorClick to my nickname and click click to "Write message". If you can't see this button just write me an email [email protected]
Mar 5, 2021I can't message you privately, let me contact you to your email,
Sep 20, 2020larrykh465 PurchasedBought this script it is installed finding an issue with the captcha it is giving the lines and dots but no code.
Larry Hammer - View 6 more replies
Mar 5, 2021Bro the sign up on the site isn't working, and I wanna see the backend of the site
Mar 5, 2021WEBTM AuthorKingsleyasoh, Have you purchased my item?
Mar 5, 2021WEBTM AuthorIf you mean Demo website I can tell you that I have made some changes and by the reason registration not available right now
Jul 28, 2020Soem1 PurchasedHello , I want to buy source code
- View 1 more reply
Aug 9, 2020Soem1 PurchasedCan i demo user and admin?
Aug 9, 2020Soem1 PurchasedI already purchased, I can't install, please help me, Give me your skype or email.
Aug 11, 2020WEBTM AuthorOk bro, it's my email [email protected]
write me your website details
Jun 26, 2020How to contact you? Please give me your email. I have few questions about the script that I can't ask here.
Jun 26, 2020WEBTM AuthorOk, check pm
Jun 22, 2020Any plan of adding social login?
Jun 26, 2020WEBTM AuthorHi, In this version is not including social login function but nothing is unpossibele. You know... Wait to next version.
Jun 4, 2020GetGo Purchasedtry to install it on a subdomain and i get this error Oops some thing went wrong
http://forums.getgoweb.com - View 3 more replies
Jun 5, 2020WEBTM AuthorCongrets, It seems it works https://i.ibb.co/RDXVdfG/ok.png
Jun 7, 2020GetGo Purchasedit is working
Feb 9, 2023@GetGo - what do you think of this forum script? is it well coded? also is it coded so it can keep being expanded upon by the 'Author' & 3rd party developers to create Plugins & themes? I'm very interested in finding a new Forum Script in early production to invest my time into helping develop 3rd party plugins and themes.... this is my motive, i'm sick of all the current forum scripts, i want to get into something new/ground floor that is well coded so is not closed off to new versions for years to come & new themes & plugins etc... cheers from Australia
May 7, 2020splash PurchasedHello,
I would have a question: if you would migrate the database (only topic, user, etc..) from the my old simple forum script to BBoard. Can it be solved and how much would it cost? -
May 8, 2020WEBTM AuthorHello, I will do it for free as a gift, If you buy it, write to me and send me your old forum database.
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Forum |
First release | 19 March 2020 |
Last update | 12 March 2021 |
Software version | PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2, PHP 7.3, PHP 7.4, PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, Javascript .js |
Tags | php, responsive, MySQL, Board, design, community, discussion, forum, support forum |