Story Spot - Rewards System For AuthorsStory Spot - Rewards System For Authors
System to make money by placing ads on quality content produced by authors (site users) and sharing portion of profit with them.
Story Spot - Rewards System For Authors
System to make money by placing ads on quality content produced by authors (site users) and shari...10 Support questions or comments
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6 months agoIs it still working ?
6 months agocodewand AuthorYes
Nov 7, 2022Hi
I would like to buy this app but I see that there is an error on the terms page & policy page
" Trying to access array offset on value of type null"
my question is : does this Item still being updated by the author ?
thank you . -
Nov 9, 2022codewand AuthorHi ... Thanks for having interest and pointing out the issue ... yes we are going to provide support with all the issues the script might encounter. The issue you mentioned is now fixed.
Dec 19, 2021sakima Purchasedhi.
How can I change the currency unit for article sales?
May 4, 2021Anunciese PurchasedHello dear sir,
Do you know why I have published content and it looks all out of order?
Thank you -
May 4, 2021Anunciese PurchasedI see that the conflict happens with 2 publications that a user has created because when I activate them together or separately everything is out of order and when I deactivate them everything returns to its place:
Thank you -
May 4, 2021Anunciese PurchasedOn the other hand, I see that when I access the profile of the user Pofe Sor I get a 404 error.
Thank you
Jan 20, 2021Anunciese PurchasedHello dear Codewand,
As I told you at the time, I finally decided to buy your script, which is very good and interesting.
Can you please tell me where I can translate the administration and web content into Spanish?
Thank you very much. - View 1 more reply
Jan 21, 2021Anunciese PurchasedNor does it seem that the drag and drop actions work correctly
Thanks -
Jan 21, 2021codewand AuthorHi, Thanks for purchase and contact. Can you please provide your hosting credentials at codewand.cc@gmail.com so that I can have a look.
Jan 21, 2021Anunciese PurchasedHello dear Codewand,
I have just sent you ftp and database data with the email info@anunciese.es.
On the other hand, can you tell me from which folders I can translate administration and web to spanish?
Thank you very much
Dec 1, 2020you have any mobile app with push notification ?
Dec 1, 2020codewand AuthorNope.
Jul 3, 2020Anunciese PurchasedHello, dear CodeWand,
I find your script very interesting.
The only way for a manager to earn money is by advertising that is incorporated into the articles?
And what advertising is so good that it can then reward the post editors?
Thank you very much for these clarifications. -
Jul 4, 2020codewand AuthorHi,
Thanks for the interest in the script.
Yes you can advertise in the system like any other cms site e.g. between stories/articles and in sidebars by placing your 'ad code'.
The reward system is what make this script unique. As authors can signup on your site and create article. They earn points and you can set reward against those points.
The quality of the content by authors is offcourse needs to be good to get monetization from advertisements.
May 1, 2020Hi, Is it possible for us to set how many reward points users will get per view, comment?
Also, when you try to use Image from a link or upload it in the description it says "Image source URL is missing."
Can we disable this? -
May 1, 2020I have sent you an email please reply.
May 1, 2020codewand AuthorMessage sent via email
Dec 31, 2019ronelgon PurchasedHello,
I want to contact you via email, what is your email?
I wait your email.
Thank you
Ronnie -
Dec 31, 2019codewand AuthorThanks for your interest. Here it is "wikkipk@gmail.com"
Dec 31, 2019ronelgon PurchasedI have sent you an email
Dec 31, 2019codewand AuthorReplied.
Dec 23, 2019Admin panel doesn't work
Dec 24, 2019codewand AuthorThanks for your interest. It's working now.
Dec 24, 2019admin panel link error bro.
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Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Miscellaneous |
First release | 21 December 2019 |
Last update | 2 January 2020 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, Javascript .js |
Software version | PHP 7.4, PHP 5.6 |
Software framework | CodeIgniter |
Tags | money, cms, ads, content management system, rewards, authors, articles, stories, advertisements |