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Quiz - Full iOS App TemplateQuiz - Full iOS App Template
Full iOS game with in-app purchases, easy to customize and add more levels

Home / App Templates / iOS / Games / Puzzle

Quiz - Full iOS App Template
Full iOS game with in-app purchases, easy to customize and add more levels

8 Support questions or comments
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Aug 8, 2020mbennouf Purchasedhello again!
I know this question is way out of the scope of this template and it is ok to not worry about but I wanted to ask it. I am planning on using this code to do a "close up" quiz type game. I want to use the the button reveal the quiz to instead un-zoom the quiz image. The player will need to pay for each un-zoom with coins. This will make the quiz more fun. say a food quiz. The question: How do i go about un-zooming the quiz level image? I am planning on using may 5X zoomed images for the quiz and allow the player to un-zoom the quiz image every time it press the -zoom button. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for a great code!
Ps: I am looking at the Tick Tock quiz template of yours. Is that template attached somehow to the social media TickTock or can it be used for any quiz as a standalone? Is Firebase required for that quiz template? -
Aug 8, 2020Apps4World AuthorHey,
You don't need to use any 5X images. Use any normal images. But have a function on the UIImageView that will scale the image up by 5 times, this way the UIImageView will show the original image but zoomed in.
You will have to write that function to scale/zoom in the UIImage inside the UIImageView. Keep in mind that you don't want to scale UIImageView, just the UIImage inside the UIImageView.
TikTok quiz is independent of TikTok. You can use that template for any quiz games you want. Yes, Firebase is required but there is documentation with the code to set up your Firebase. TikTok is just a theme or idea for the quiz, but you can re-purpose the game as needed.
Good luck and take care. -
Aug 11, 2020mbennouf PurchasedTHANK YOU! That is a great idea! I am going to look for code for zooming an UIimage then. Yes it will be much better than starting a 5 xzoom image! Great news about TikTok. I really like the leaderboard part!
Mo -
Aug 13, 2020mbennouf PurchasedTHANK YOU!!!!
Aug 1, 2020mbennouf PurchasedSorry, I may have another question. Anyway I can make the main image (level image view) full screen and have all the buttons on top of the quiz image? It is kids app and i want to use app code to show a full screen image rather all the apps in the store that just a small quiz image to guess! I tried to add some constraints to the level image but it seems to screw up all the others elements. I am assuming i should delete all the constraints dealing with the quiz image and start from scratch? Also what is the use of image guide element?
Thank you!
Mo -
Aug 1, 2020Apps4World AuthorHi. The app doesn't support full screen for your image level.
I won't recommend messing with the constraints. Maybe create a new view controller and when user taps the level image, show that new view controller full screen with that image. -
Aug 1, 2020mbennouf PurchasedWow! That is a great idea! Thank you.
Jul 31, 2020mbennouf PurchasedHi,
I finally decide on app on using your great code! Because it is going a kid app, i want to remove any code having to do with ads ( i do not want ads and will be using IAP instead) My issue is I am not sure what to remove to make sure Apple review will not reject the app (since I will say that the app does not an app) I am sure normally i could just ignore the ads display by setting the app has the user having already bought the ads free version. But I am sure Apple system can detect I am using admob. Anyway to remove admob sdk alone and leave the actual code in the viewController (and just make sure the interstitial ads do no show up)?
Thank you for any help!
Mo -
Aug 1, 2020Apps4World AuthorHi.
You can learn/Google "pod deintegrate" to remove the AdMob ads. Then remove all code related to ads. -
Aug 1, 2020mbennouf PurchasedI google pod deintegrate and that sounds way above my pay grade! I thought it will just be a matter of removing the admob sdk folder
Ok, thank you. I guess I am not going be able to use the code for this kids app. Thank you so much for the extremely fast response. I really appreciated it.
Jan 3, 2020mbennouf PurchasedA great update will be to add a leaderboard! People like to compete with quiz apps. Not sure how hard to to add it but that I will be my vote. By the way I really the code. it is very well commented. The app works great both on my iphone 7 and Ipad. Very happy so far
Jan 2, 2020mbennouf PurchasedOh,, what is your support email?
Mo -
Jan 3, 2020Apps4World AuthorPlease see the product page has our website, email, Skype as well as discounted app templates.
Also the download archive should have a readme PDF file where you can also find our contact information.
Jan 2, 2020mbennouf PurchasedI may have another question (sorry!) I have noticed that the quiz image is rather small when running the app on ipad pro 3rd generation. Anyway I can make larger without screwing up the sizing on regular iphone (say iphone 8)?
I am assuming i have to deal with the storyboard?
Thank you.
Mo -
Jan 2, 2020Apps4World AuthorHello,
Thanks for your purchase.
Feel free to email us for faster response and having a place where we can keep in touch if needed.
Yes, you’re correct. You need to work with the storyboard.
Look at the imageView in storyboard, see if it has any width/height constraints, then you can just change the constant for those in code when the app runs on iPad only.
Send me an email and I can probably share some code examples.
Jan 2, 2020mbennouf PurchasedMe again!
This time I am wondering how difficult it will be to add one or two letters to the puzzle? I just found out that I actually need 13 letters for a long name. I do realize that this app allows 12 letters. It seems that they will be place to add one or two extra letters and wondering if that could be done? Obviously I will do it but I would really appreciate some suggestions if you have any (and think it is possible)
Thank you again.
Mo -
Jan 2, 2020Apps4World AuthorAdding more letters can be possible but due to different device screen sizes, we may not be able to fit 13 letters and still keep a nice design.
I will share some suggestions via email. -
Jan 2, 2020mbennouf PurchasedThank you SO much! That will be great. I will contact you via email then.
Jan 2, 2020mbennouf PurchasedHello.
I just purchased the quiz app. Unfortunately it gives me an error message when i run it on the simulator:
"framework not found GoogleUtilities"
I am sure it is me! But would love some help since I am not familiar with Pod. I can see that there is an extra folder called pods. I can see that there is some google ads frameworks. How do I implement it so xcode can build the app (not modified) correctly?
Frameworks folder in the quiz app has something called Pods.Quiz.framework (which grayed out) What can do about it?
Thank you very much. The code looks great (and in Swift!) so I cannot wait to start using it for my new app!
MO -
Jan 2, 2020mbennouf PurchasedI knew it was me! I was able to make it work but I have to admit not sure how
What I first did was to run Quiz.xcodeproj which i usually. this is what gave the error in my previous message. By accident I launched Quiz.xcworkspace, buid that and then i think I re-opened Quiz.xcodeproj (I think, not sure anymore) At that point the app build fine and i was able to run the example quiz! I am still figuring why I could just run Quiz.xcodeproj as is but I am happy it is work now!
I have another question but I will start a new message for that.
Thank you again. So far it works great!
Category | App Templates / iOS / Games / Puzzle |
First release | 17 November 2019 |
Last update | 28 April 2021 |
Operating Systems | iOS 10.0, iOS 11.0, iOS 12.0 |
Tags | quiz, Puzzle game, game template, trivia, casual game |