Home / App Templates / Android / Applications / GPS

Fake GPS Location - Android App Source CodeFake GPS Location - Android App Source Code
With the Fake GPS Location application, you can change your GPS location to anywhere in the world.

Home / App Templates / Android / Applications / GPS

Fake GPS Location - Android App Source Code
With the Fake GPS Location application, you can change your GPS location to anywhere in the world.

13 Support questions or comments
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Aug 2, 2023tuananh19dc PurchasedI opened the file and was told the application was outdated. Can you send me the latest update? I sent you by email.
Nov 10, 2020Hey,
I can't make a release build of this app, in case of receiving such error:
Please contact with me.
Thank you. -
Mar 5, 2021technoviral PurchasedHi, please contact me at [email protected] if you need any help related to this item.
Feb 22, 2020technoviral PurchasedHi,
Can i have latest update of this app with updated plugins?
Jan 24, 2018maheralkurdi Purchasedhello felipe
i dont know why the maps api does not work
i dont see the maps any more - View 9 more replies
Jan 24, 2018maheralkurdi Purchasedhow? email?
send to me zour email please -
Jan 24, 2018feliperce AuthorSend me your email, and I will reply you with my email
Jan 24, 2018maheralkurdi Purchased
Dec 13, 2017maheralkurdi Purchasedhello filip
i want to ask please
if i take Regular License.. can i sale it in play store?
i mean the app not the source code
- View 3 more replies
Dec 13, 2017maheralkurdi Purchasedthank you so much filip
i will try it -
Dec 14, 2017maheralkurdi Purchasedhello filip
why when i finish and install i dont see the map?
there is no map!! -
Dec 14, 2017maheralkurdi Purchasedi already fixed
thank you
Mar 25, 2017Destienne02 PurchasedHey Felipe
Is something wrong with this app?does it have Admob Banner/Interstitial? i would like to buy it but most ppl didnt worked with them well. what do u advice me and which tools i need to use ?
thnks - View 1 more reply
Apr 7, 2017Destienne02 PurchasedHello Felipe, can you help me please, i tried to add compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-core:10.2.1'
but i got error in MainActivity.java like mMap = ((SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(R.id.map))
The error is : .getMap();
What should i do ? -
Apr 7, 2017feliperce AuthorYou are triyng to add firebase, but you added an incompatible version to this gmap version... I think that you changed the build tools and target, you need to keep the same version, don't change it, You will have no problems keeping these versions...
Use the firebase version that are compatibly with the default app build tools and target version -
Apr 8, 2017Destienne02 Purchasedwe cant leave the old version, you need to update your app, as you know now we have to install firebase and becouse of that we need to update all the version , i cant use the old version , you have 8.4.0 and you know that fire base need mini 9.0. if what you said that we can keep the old version it means we will have alot of errors and it will not work properly .
Please fix your app or update it
Nov 28, 2016MyYazid PurchasedHi,
Please when I build debug apk I see then map
but when I build generate signed APK the i don't see the maps
Nov 21, 2016hakanus Purchasedhii there,
i did purchased and revised the item
after that i did upload to play store
but hovewer rejected by google
could you please help me why it was rejected?
tnx -
Nov 22, 2016feliperce AuthorYou need to changed that app, don't keep The same app name, color, package name AND Google mãos api. Look at your string.xml and maps XML, If you changed The google maps api....
Nov 22, 2016hakanus Purchasedsure at first i did change all the things but nope
Nov 25, 2016feliperce AuthorWhat country are you from? Google has different rules, depending on the country
Oct 22, 2016nestorio PurchasedHello Please reply me as soon as possible imported app in android studio ect i added map api key with my package name as shown in your documentation but map is not showing only blank please help me its urgent Thanks
- View 15 more replies
Oct 29, 2016feliperce AuthorPlease, send me your project in my email
Nov 13, 2016nestorio PurchasedHello please help me to create correct api key thanks
Nov 28, 2016MyYazid PurchasedIt sounds like you only have the API key entered in the debug google_maps_api.xml. Also, it sounds like you're using the same API key for debug and release, but you still need to enter it in the google_maps_api.xml under the release folder as well as the one in the debug folder.
It's a little confusing, because when the project is in Android view, you can only see the debug file (although it should have (debug) in parenthesis next to it in that view).
In order to modify the release version, switch to Project view by using the dropdown in the upper left of the Project Explorer. Then, expand app/src/, and you will see subfolders debug and release. Under there, you should see two separate google_maps_api.xml files under debug/res/values and release/res/values.
Make sure that the API key is populated in the google_maps_api.xml file under the release/res/values folder, since this is the one that will be used for the signed release apk.
Sep 7, 2016Hamza6 PurchasedmMap = ((SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(R.id.map)).getMap();
cannot resolve method getMap() -
Sep 7, 2016feliperce AuthorHello, It's a gmaps version error. Can you send me your gradle file? You need to keep the libs same version as that the 'default' project show, don't change it... post it on pastebin.com
Nov 24, 2016Hamza6 PurchasedHello, I know it's a gmaps version error you are using v 8.4.0 but the problem is I wanna add firebase notifications so when i do it it's like this:
compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-core:9.8.0'
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:8.4.0'
and this caused more problems can you help me, I'm so new in programing and especially android and I'm not familiar with this API things
Category | App Templates / Android / Applications / GPS |
First release | 10 March 2016 |
Last update | 20 December 2016 |
Operating Systems | Android 4.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Tags | android, admob, easy to use, google analytics, gps, google maps |