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Websub Link Manager - PHP ScriptWebsub Link Manager - PHP Script
Websub reciprocal link manager PHP script will completely automate your link exchange!

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Websub Link Manager - PHP Script
Websub reciprocal link manager PHP script will completely automate your link exchange!

14 Support questions or comments
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Apr 15, 2022Interested in buying this script but i asked few shared hosting sites and they said they don't allow some required addions which this script needs to run. Can you suggest any shared hosting which supports your script well?
- View 1 more reply
May 4, 2022Doesnt support
May 4, 2022citak AuthorIt is very strange this script must run on most servers. The demo runs on a vps at lease web.com
Wich function did the not support.
May 5, 2022i am talking about 'shared hosting'
Mar 25, 2022Hello, I contacted you from your website, but I did not get an answer? waiting... thank you
Mar 25, 2022citak AuthorHi, I have read your message from my website and send you a reply.
Jan 5, 2022csdigital PurchasedNeed help in installation:"Error! Please correct the errors below and try again." for a domain you need a point: gutetablets.de
- View 8 more replies
Jan 9, 2022csdigital Purchasedhostname: localhost was the error
gutetablets.de didnt work.
May you can explain here why, for the next person having this problem? -
Jan 9, 2022citak AuthorHi,
I have installed the script on your server with no problems also the templates works fine..
I do not now what you dit but I will have a look at this.
Could you provide me your admin login details of the script.
Also send me your FTP login details maybe I will need it.
You can send your details at www.citaks.com
Citak -
Jan 9, 2022csdigital PurchasedWell I got it, this error occurs, if you set the absolute path wrongly.
Now I have two other errors. Will write you over the Mail .
Mar 16, 2021susangoodall Purchasedhi, can you please tell me how to add pages and edit the policy page? Thank you.
Mar 16, 2021citak AuthorHello, to edit the privacy and terms just open the privacy.tpl.php or terms.tpl.php file that is located in the templates folder.
Follow the instructions below to add a new page:
1. Create a file and call it newpage.php
2. Copy the code below into this file
3. Move the created file to the folder application/views/
global $PREFS;
$template = new Template( SYSTEM_TPL_PATH . "newpage.tpl" . EXT );
$layout = new Template( SYSTEM_TPL_PATH . "index.tpl" . EXT );
$layout->set("title", "New Page | " . $PREFS->conf['site_name']);
$layout->set("site_name", $PREFS->conf['site_name']);
$layout->set("site_keywords", $PREFS->conf['site_keywords']);
$layout->set("site_description", $PREFS->conf['site_desc']);
$layout->set("content", $template->output());
echo $layout->output();
1. Create a file and call it newpage.tpl.php
2. Copy the code below into this file
3. Move the created file to the folder templates/blue_skin/
<div class="topbar">New Page</div>
<div class="border">
<div class="borderinner">
This is a new page
Thats all.
It seems difficult but it is not. If you practice, you can acreate and add as many pages as you want.
Jan 1, 2021susangoodall Purchasedhi, how to add https for it? layout broken when I use https
pls advise. Thanks a lot. -
Jan 1, 2021
Aug 11, 2020Eugen2 PurchasedIn addition to my previous feature recommendation, you should also add an option for link/website categories.
Aug 11, 2020citak AuthorHi, Eugen2 at the moment I do not have any plans to have an option for website categories, because I will keep this script simple. This is not a link directory script, but only a script to exchange links with other website owners who have similar content to your website.
Jun 11, 2020Hello citak
1- can you do customize? I want to set a date limit for the feature link.
ex. feature link expired or disable after 1 year or
set options here http://www.citaks.com/explore/demo/websub/featured_link
add 1 year - 2 years - 3 years, etc..
so 1 year for $5
2 years for $ 20
3 years for 15 $15
so the script automatically disables the link after a specific time chosen.
can you do that?
2- does the free link Dofollow or Nofollow ? -
Jun 11, 2020citak Author1.) Sorry, at the moment we do not do any customization.
2.) The links are Dofollow. -
Jun 11, 2020Ok thanks
can you make free links nofollow ? -
Jun 11, 2020citak AuthorI will take this to the next update. Thank you.
Nov 13, 2019Hello,
is it possible that user can just submit their links without the return things? And only from a domain like xyz.com? -
Nov 13, 2019citak AuthorIf you like, users can submit a link without a backlink, this can be edit at the admin panel. It is not possible to submit links from a specific domain.
Sep 21, 2019dosome PurchasedWhen will I receive a bug fix upload file?
I can't do homepage service right now
Waiting for modified file download - View 10 more replies
Sep 23, 2019dosome PurchasedWe mostly use these links
You should be able to use these links -
Sep 23, 2019citak AuthorI have send you a quick fix by mail.
Sep 23, 2019dosome PurchasedThank you very much
Now it works perfectly
Sep 20, 2019Eugen2 Purchased2 Issues I need resolved...
1. Prevent users from using <?php, and <script> tags in link submission forms. Otherwise anyone with basic coding knowledge can easily pull all database information, aswell as read the config file with the database login, and potentially break the whole site....
2. There's a bug where when reciprocal links are disabled, it still shows the option in the featured submission - View 5 more replies
Sep 21, 2019citak AuthorThis issues are fixed in current version.
Sep 23, 2019Eugen2 PurchasedHey, I just updated, and tested.. And issue is still there..
Try to add a link, and in description paste in: <script>alert('test';</script>
And in the next page you will get an "Alert" box, which can be used as an exploit. Similar with PHP.
Best way to fix that, would be to deny characters such as <>{} -
Sep 23, 2019Eugen2 PurchasedHuh, nevermind, I just tested on the demo, and it's all fine. The update must have not made it to Codester yet. I will try the files you sent to my email
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Links |
First release | 15 September 2019 |
Last update | 1 February 2022 |
Software version | PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2, PHP 7.3, PHP 5.6 |
Files included | .php, .css, Javascript .js |
Database | MySQL 4.x, MySQL 5.x |
Tags | php, manager, SCRIPT, add, site, website, backlink, link, Exchange, places, automate |