Home / App Templates / Buildbox / Casual

Amaze Ball 3D - Buildbox 3D Hyper Casual TemplateAmaze Ball 3D - Buildbox 3D Hyper Casual Template
A good starting point to learn Buildbox 3D with many features implemented.

Home / App Templates / Buildbox / Casual

Amaze Ball 3D - Buildbox 3D Hyper Casual Template
A good starting point to learn Buildbox 3D with many features implemented.

12 Support questions or comments
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Oct 26, 2021Can you put it up for sale again?
Mar 16, 2023Volkankutlubay AuthorHi! the template is back for sale. Thank you for your understanding.
Nov 5, 2020How many number of level this game has ? and for android which software are required to scan it. for example Android studio or unity ?
Feb 18, 2020bro i have android studio but i dont have Buildbox.can i edit in android studio..?
Feb 18, 2020Volkankutlubay AuthorHi, you can get Buildbox for free now from buildbox.com and still edit the project in that. Other than that no it is not possible to edit the project in android studio.
Mar 3, 2020sufyanrajpoot3 Purchasedhello!
Is this game file is made on buildbox 3.0 -
Mar 3, 2020Volkankutlubay AuthorYes this is made with buildbox 3.0 however the version used is the latest 3.1.4 B#3500 no matter free or paid plan. The project works both for free and paid plan.
Feb 11, 2020Hi,Sir
Amaze Ball 3D - Buildbox 3D Hyper Casual Template Make with buildbox Free Plan
Yes or No ? -
Feb 12, 2020Volkankutlubay AuthorYes it works with Free Plan.
Jan 6, 2020DarkMode PurchasedCan you please update the Game files to work with last version of BB 3.1.2 ?
Jan 8, 2020Volkankutlubay AuthorHi! Sure that is in my schedule already.
Feb 4, 2020Volkankutlubay AuthorHi @Darkmode the game is updated now compatible with the lates BB version 3.1.3. Thank you for your patience.
Jan 3, 2020Diks PurchasedHey bro....Im getting Error.....When i open a file !!!!!
Error on load
"unrecognized Format"
whats solution ?
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Jan 6, 2020Diks PurchasedOn project Setting I have only 2 Tabs....1)General 2)Editor
Only.....there is no third SKD tab -
Jan 6, 2020Volkankutlubay AuthorThere should be! Maybe they didn't add it to the free version yet. But I am sure they will soon. Could you contact them and ask them about it! I thought they should have already added it in free version already. Maybe it is different setting in Free BB version. Thanks.
Jan 6, 2020Diks PurchasedHey I see on my account my plan is "Buildbox starter"
So im getting this problem !
Any solution Please
Aug 24, 2019Hey i am having trouble setting up ads. how to set up ads? there is no documentation on that
Aug 24, 2019Volkankutlubay AuthorFor Ads please check the Buildbox Forums with Title Buidbox 3.0 user Particles had various tutorials on integrating ads. Other than that please check this page also for integrating SDKs and Advertising. Buildbox Support Confirmed that Mopub exampe also works for Buildbox 3 so you can use Mopub mediation on that. http://help.buildbox.com/en/collections/250799-advertising-and-sdks For me I follow this tutorial and use Admob only. https://www.buildbox.com/forum/index.php?threads/buildbox-3-beta-ios-admob-banner-and-interstitial-ads-integration-with-custom-options.14590/ Thanks
Aug 21, 2019android studio projesi halinde veriyor mu
Aug 21, 2019Volkankutlubay AuthorHayır maalesef projeyi Buildbox'ta açıp export yapman gerek.
Aug 12, 2019Hi ! Does the game run on Android, and is the game ready to be published because I don't want to do a reskin for it?
Aug 12, 2019Volkankutlubay AuthorYes it works on Android but you need to have a valid Buildbox subscription to open and export the project for Android Studio. Also the game lags and works a bit slow on some Android devices.
Aug 12, 2019Well, is the game ready to be published without a Riskin action?
Aug 12, 2019Volkankutlubay AuthorYes it is ready without a resking with a Buildbox 3D software and with Android Studio. But like I said it is laggy on some Android devices.
Jul 28, 2019Hello,
Its possible with Buildbox make HTTP requests? In another words, to integrate with a RESTFUL API.
Thx -
Jul 30, 2019Volkankutlubay AuthorHi, I am not totally sure about that. I know you can write javascripts and edit the nodes. so you actually write custom java scripts but like I said not sure about HTTP requests. Maybe write en email to Buildbox support and ask them! Thanks.
Jul 30, 2019
Category | App Templates / Buildbox / Casual |
First release | 11 July 2019 |
Last update | 18 February 2021 |
Operating Systems | iOS 10.0, Android 7.0, Android 8.0, iOS 11.0, Android 9.0, iOS 12.0, MacOS 10.14, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, iOS 8.0, iOS 9.0, Android 4.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Tags | template, game, arcade, source code, Action, reskin, casual, runner, endless, buildbox, hyper, Buildbox2, Buildbox 3D, hyper casual, no code |