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Vendor Enhanced nopCommerce PluginVendor Enhanced nopCommerce Plugin
Vendor Enhanced nopCommerce Plugin is a plugin which will enhance the features of Vendors.

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Vendor Enhanced nopCommerce Plugin
Vendor Enhanced nopCommerce Plugin is a plugin which will enhance the features of Vendors.

1 Support questions or comments
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Apr 19, 2021Mohamed487 Purchasedafter download this plugin, I got that vendor can't manage his pictures.
how can I allow each vendor from managing his pictures? -
Apr 19, 2021Stangisa AuthorThanks for the purchase.
After installing the plugin, go to plugin configure page and select Enable Vendor Pictures. After that Pictures section is shown in Vendors under Admin area.
For more detailed instruction, look at the screenshots and video.
Please feel to contact me if you've any queries.