Home / App Templates / Android / Applications / Webview

Web2Android - Convert Your Website To Mobile AppWeb2Android - Convert Your Website To Mobile App
Turn your website into a mobile Android app within minutes

Home / App Templates / Android / Applications / Webview

Web2Android - Convert Your Website To Mobile App
Turn your website into a mobile Android app within minutes

9 Support questions or comments
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Feb 12, 2023Hello, I have 3 questions. 1- after converting a website into an android application, would it be possible to use the apk without putting it on playstore? i mean generated apk if yes full video of how to generate apk. 2- would the app be up to date with the new requirements of google playstore currently. 3- can you make a complete video of the manipulation from A to Z of how to convert, and put on Google playstore and APPLE STORE. Thank you for answering me I am interested in your script.
Feb 13, 2023rackons2015 AuthorSorry we cant make video.. but if you want then we can build your android and ios app .. we will upload on your Google play store and appstore also but our team will take charge for that.. it will approved with 100% guaranteed also because now google and appstore changed their policy so its too hard thats why our team will take extra charge for 100% approval
Feb 13, 2023questions N°1 : after converting a website into an android application, would it be possible to use the apk without putting it on playstore? i mean generated apk if yes full video of how to generate apk.
Feb 14, 2023rackons2015 Authoryou can use apk but now google change some features.. you can generate file in aab format. but if you want then you can covert aab to apk. you can see on youtube there are many videos about that
Sep 2, 2020abdurrehman111 PurchasedHi! how are you... I am trying to publish the android app and there appears this messageYour app currently targets API level 28 and must target at least API level 29 to ensure it is built on the latest APIs optimized for security and performance. Change your app's target API level to at least 29How do I solve it?
Sep 3, 2020rackons2015 AuthorYou need to change the build gradle API from 28 to 29..and all related versions will change according to 29
Jul 28, 2020hlo
jst one moer thng, how it works tutorial, or literature anywhre i cn fin on your site?
plz let me kno thanks -
Jul 28, 2020rackons2015 Authorplease read full description.. Because google and apple dont approve webview app.. If you want then our team will approve your app because our developer will do extra work and full effort to approve your webview apps on your both store..
we will take 100 Euro for Android app, 150 Euro for iOS App to build and app submission on your store
we mentioned documention in our both apps.. for uploading on both store you can google also -
Jul 28, 2020thanks
Jul 28, 2020hlo
for ios you have any ?
thanks -
Jul 28, 2020
Jul 28, 2020rackons2015 Authorplease read full description.. Because google and apple dont approve webview app.. If you want then our team will approve your app because our developer will do extra work and full effort to approve your webview apps on your both store..
we will take 100 Euro for Android app, 150 Euro for iOS App to build and app submission on your store
Jul 28, 2020hlo
this is the version i wish to convert,
Last update 14 January 2020
HTML/CSS Framework Less, Semantic UI
Files included .php, .css, .less, .sql, .xml, Javascript .js
is it ok?
to convet to app
plz let me kno thanks - View 3 more replies
Jul 28, 2020rackons2015 Authorif your site is responsive then you can build
Jul 28, 2020yess responsive
thanks -
Jul 28, 2020rackons2015 Authorwelcome
Jul 28, 2020hlo
can a php website be done in same way to an app?
plz let me kno thanks -
Jul 28, 2020rackons2015 Authoryeah you can covert any website into android app.. Your site should be mobile responsive.
May 25, 2020abdurrehman111 PurchasedHi... does you app have 64-bit code? is it possible to have a quick view of your documentation? I have poor skills and want to know if I the documentation is goog enough for me to do it.
Thanks a lot! -
May 26, 2020rackons2015 Authorif you have knowledge of android studio and gradle files then you can do otherwise you can tell us our team wil build your app and upload on your playstore at extra cost..
Nov 6, 2019Hi, support API 28 or higher? Thank you
Nov 7, 2019rackons2015 Authoryes ..you can upgrade also your gradle version... on google you can see how to upgrade,,
if you want to build and uploading your app from Rackons team then we will do at $60
Category | App Templates / Android / Applications / Webview |
First release | 28 June 2019 |
Last update | 28 June 2019 |
Operating Systems | Android 7.0, Android 8.0, Android 9.0, Android 4.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Files included | .php, .html, .cs, .h, .apk, .dex, .db, .java, .dll, .obj, .xml, build.settings, Javascript .js |
Tags | android app, PWA App, pwa android app, webview app |