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Left is Right - iOS Source CodeLeft is Right - iOS Source Code
Quick pick up gameHome / App Templates / iOS / Games / Casual

Left is Right - iOS Source Code
Quick pick up game3 Support questions or comments
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Feb 11, 2020keats PurchasedDon’t buy this. Files are missing as so is the seller as he never replies. Save your money.
Mar 11, 2020iosappsworld AuthorHello, I am sorry I was not active for some time, Please let me know if you are still facing issue
Feb 11, 2020soliman PurchasedHi, I bought this game, but I noticed that your source code does not includes storyboard files.
Missing Main.storyboard and LaunchScreen.storyboard.
Could you please check it?
Thank you. -
Mar 11, 2020iosappsworld AuthorFiles are there, this happens due to Xcode versions, If you check the folder then files are there with extra extinction .xml added to those files
Just remove the .xml from the game , After that it will be fine
Jul 10, 2019keats Purchasedsent you a message.