Home / App Templates / Buildbox / Racing

Traffic Crash - Buildbox templateTraffic Crash - Buildbox template
The best adventure game Get it now.Home / App Templates / Buildbox / Racing

Traffic Crash - Buildbox template
The best adventure game Get it now.1 Support questions or comments
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Mar 27, 2019mxcgames Purchasedwill works on bb 2.3.3?
Mar 27, 2019creativeapp AuthorYes sir it's build with 2.3.3 so it wll work perfectly.
Aug 21, 2019Deborah1 PurchasedHi, I am trying to start putting in my own graphics and I just finished a level but the character is crashing for no reason? I went back to your version and it is happening too the character just dies when he doesn't hit a car? Can you help?
Category | App Templates / Buildbox / Racing |
First release | 25 March 2019 |
Last update | 25 March 2019 |
Operating Systems | iOS 10.0, Android 7.0, Android 8.0, iOS 11.0, Android 9.0, iOS 12.0, iOS 8.0, iOS 9.0, Android 4.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Files included | .apk, .dex, .java, .xml, Javascript .js |
Tags | template, android, iOS, game, iPhone, simple, xcode, admob, new, reskin, easy reskin, casual, run, buildbox, android studio, buildbox game, buildbox template, bbdoc. |