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ShootingStar - Unity ProjectShootingStar - Unity Project
A simple game template with a Level Menu, Level Data Management, Level Unlocking, and more!Home / App Templates / Unity / Templates

ShootingStar - Unity Project
A simple game template with a Level Menu, Level Data Management, Level Unlocking, and more!2 Support questions or comments
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Jun 23, 2019Hey bro. I got it from free files of week. It's nice project just want to know how do you set maxBounceCount of star in levels. I don't know if you provide support on free files. If you don't it's fine I'll manage it out but it is a beautiful work done by you.
May 18, 2021JGarza9788 Authorit's just a parameter/variable on the star object
Mar 25, 2019Ab7 PurchasedHi dear ,
im already buy ''ShootinhStar'' code from you , but i get this problem when I play it in Unity , so It just stands in Main Menu ..
'' The scene 'LevelMenu' cannot be loaded.
LevelData:goToScene(String) (at Assets/ShootingStar/LevelMenu/Scripts/LevelData.cs:376)
SceneSwitchAnimator:CSN() (at Assets/ShootingStar/SceneSwitchAnimator/Script/SceneSwitchAnimator.cs:103)
Mar 26, 2019JGarza9788 Authorthanks, i'll check it out and get back to you soon.
Note: it's easier to get a hold of me via email ([email protected]) -
Mar 26, 2019JGarza9788 Authorhttps://youtu.be/X-hdgPyftvE
^this is a video of me running the game in unity without any errors.
note the top of the unity window (that's the version of unity i'm using)
i suggest trying again with that version.
May 16, 20211. Go to "File -> Build Settings"
2. Add your scenes in "Scenes in Build"