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Neon Space Fighter - Unity ProjectNeon Space Fighter - Unity Project
Shoot asteroids and enemy spaceships. Game is ready for release. Optimized for mobile devices (android, ios). Hyper Casual shooterHome / App Templates / Unity / Templates / Arcade

Neon Space Fighter - Unity Project
Shoot asteroids and enemy spaceships. Game is ready for release. Optimized for mobile devices (an...5 Support questions or comments
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Apr 4, 2020ranidev PurchasedI thought everything was done,
but not yet
Can you help me?
the player crosses the line,
and the "Boarder" doesn't work
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Apr 6, 2020FrederickStaffYou are not allowed to sell/distribute the source code.
Apr 6, 2020ranidev PurchasedIf I buy this for my customers?
Apr 6, 2020NeonSpaceFighter AuthorI am really not sure if transferring the license ownership to someone else is allowed. I hope someone of staff memebers will answer to you on this question.
Jul 18, 2019liupeng320 Purchasedhello, I tried to build the project in unity and deploy the apk on android device, it worked well, but when I exported the project as an Gradle project, and build apk from Android studio and then deploy the apk on android device, it didn't work well, when I press the play button, the player craft appeared, but neither bullets nor enemy appeared, the player just stayed center lonely...
Jul 18, 2019NeonSpaceFighter AuthorI am sorry for having that issue. I will try to figure out why that happened.
Jun 22, 2019liupeng320 Purchasedcannot open gameScene.unity
version: 2018.4.2f1 -
Jun 22, 2019NeonSpaceFighter AuthorTry to drag and drop everything in to unity, than open gameScene.unity. Please take a look at this screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/uLGWpMH
Apr 8, 2019Do you have demo apk?
Apr 8, 2019NeonSpaceFighter AuthorHello. You can try the game here: http://game-game.com/195420/
Mar 28, 2019AlexandruIonescu PurchasedHello.
I bought yesterday ut dame(neon fighter) and have some issues. When i start the gameScene it opens up however buttons are just plain white boxes with no wirting and when i press play it says that they have no script connected to them, however in description you say that it is ready -
Mar 29, 2019NeonSpaceFighter AuthorHello, i am really sorry that you are facing an issue. What version of unity are you using? Please try to reimport the package if that does not fix the issue please give me your contact and i will connect to your PC with teamviewer and fix that issue ASAP.
Category | App Templates / Unity / Templates / Arcade |
First release | 20 January 2019 |
Last update | 5 June 2020 |
Operating Systems | iOS 10.0, Android 7.0, Android 8.0, iOS 11.0, Android 9.0, iOS 12.0, MacOS 10.14, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, iOS 8.0, iOS 9.0, Android 4.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Tags | arcade, 2d, space, Retro, fire, final, FIELD, arena, Fighter, fantasy, defender, glow, loop, hypercasual |