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Redboy And Bluegirl - Unity Source CodeRedboy And Bluegirl - Unity Source Code
fun puzzle unity game

Home / App Templates / Unity / Templates / Puzzle

Redboy And Bluegirl - Unity Source Code
fun puzzle unity game

10 Support questions or comments
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Feb 24, 2020I think there are bad codes in the game? I saw it in the comments. Do you do reskin? aseydah @ gmail com
Jun 25, 2019Hi, cannot buy this item, shows "An error has occured while processing your payment. Please try again", tried many times, can I buy it from other ways?
May 4, 2019could you please provide a clean code containing only game logic , with no reference to unity advertisement and sdk.api and other random things.
Apr 1, 2019qjb PurchasedI opened the source code by unity2018.1.1, it runs correctly on the editor. But when i build apk or windows package ,the game crashed at when the ice and fire body falls down near the ground. So i try to set the player position higher or lower, but it crashed at the same position. I can not find where goes wrong, Hope you can give me some suggestion.
Mar 27, 2019qjb Purchasedin the first level, the game is locked when the redboy and watergirl is falling.
i use unity2018.1.1
how to fix the game bug? -
Mar 28, 2019qjb Purchasedhello,how to solve the firsh level bug? i remove all unity plug-in and the game stuck,cannot go on
Mar 15, 2019demo?
Mar 17, 2019
Apr 1, 2019qjb PurchasedI opened the source code by unity2018.1.1, it runs correctly on the editor. But when i build apk or windows package ,the game crashed at when the ice and fire body falls down near the ground. So i try to set the player position higher or lower, but it crashed at the same position. I can not find where goes wrong, Hope you can give me some suggestion.
Mar 7, 2019Karim27 Purchasedلماذا قمت بازالة اللعبة من المتجر ؟
Feb 3, 2019Karim27 Purchasedhello
have you publish this game on ios ? -
Feb 3, 2019NobisukiMob Authorno, but you can publish it in apple store after you reskin it
also you should make the ads for ios, that is all what you need
Jan 23, 2019Can I change the entire language of the game? Can I change the logo and game icon? Do you already have different icons in the package? Will I have all the support for installation? Can you decrease how often the ads appear?
- View 2 more replies
Feb 10, 2019Do you have a bug in the game? A reporter buyer who is full of bugs. Comes with all editable graphics to make Reskin easy? How many levels these days?
Feb 14, 2019I wish you would take my doubts. But you do not answer!
Feb 14, 2019Does the game have a bug? Is there really a bug at level 26? Will I have all support?
Category | App Templates / Unity / Templates / Puzzle |
First release | 27 December 2018 |
Last update | 31 December 2018 |
Operating Systems | iOS 10.0, Android 7.0, Android 8.0, iOS 11.0, iOS 8.0, iOS 9.0, Android 4.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Tags | simple, easy, Puzzle, unity 2018 |