QR Code And Barcode Scanner - Android Source CodeQR Code And Barcode Scanner - Android Source Code
Best QR Code And Barcode Scanner Ever

QR Code And Barcode Scanner - Android Source Code
Best QR Code And Barcode Scanner Ever

QR Code And Barcode Scanner
Best QR Code And Barcode Scanner Ever
QR & Barcode Scanner / QR code reader is extremely easy to use; simply point to QR or barcode you want to scan and app will automatically detect and scan it. No need to press any buttons, take photos or adjust zoom.
The QR Code Reader app can scan and read all QRcode types including text, URL, ISBN, contact, calendar, email, location, Wi-Fi and many other formats.
You can scan any code you want, the application will decode and display the scanned information to you as quickly and accurately.
- Android 4.1+
- Small App
- AdMob Ad Inttegrated
- UI&UXÂ Design
- Easy Code
- QRÂ Code Barcode Scanner
- QRÂ Code Barcode Generater
- No Item Page
- Android Studio
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