Amazon Price Tracker - Android App Source CodeAmazon Price Tracker - Android App Source Code
tracks and notifies you when a product price changes.

Amazon Price Tracker - Android App Source Code
tracks and notifies you when a product price changes.

Price Tracker is a new app developed to track certain items you just add the item you want to the tracking list and the app will alert you when a price changes
when a discount happens or flashing deal, this app will save you money by checking the item every hour so you get the best price available, you just need to wait and
that's all to save some money on Amazon.
The app has:
-Item price checking/tracking
-Integrated browser so you add the item directly just a click of a button
-Alerts/Notifies you when price changes
Regions supported: Spain, Germany, Brazil, India, UK, Turkey, Canada, US, Australia
Please if you have any suggestions or features to add contact me on my email: [email protected]
Skype:Â live:kadiemq
-Item price checking/tracking
-Integrated browser so you add the item directly just a click of a button
-Alerts/Notifies you when price changes
- Change colors
- Change Admob Ids
To change Admob Ids:
1-Go to MainActivity.java
2-Scroll down to "MobileAds.initialize(this, "ca-app-pub-4849399430934685~6706840660");"
3-Change "ca-app-pub-4849399430934685~6706840660" to your own Admob Id
4-Scroll down to "mInterstitialAd.setAdUnitId("ca-app-pub-4849399430934685/5202187309");"
5-Change "ca-app-pub-4849399430934685/5202187309" to your own Interstitial Id
Feb 11, 2020SUFOFOFO PurchasedRating:This source doesn't work properly, I asked the seller but he doesn't answer. It seems that there are only cheats at Codester.
Category | App Templates / Android / Applications / Shopping |
First release | 5 October 2018 |
Last update | 12 November 2018 |
Operating Systems | Android 7.0, Android 8.0, Android 4.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Files included | Layered .psd, .apk, .java, .xml |
Tags | sale, shop, store, Amazon, Product, discount, commercial, canada, germany |