Home / Themes / PrestaShop / Fashion

Extra Fashion - PrestaShop ThemeExtra Fashion - PrestaShop Theme
Extra Fashion is universal and unique Prestashop Theme dedicated for all stores selling clothes, shoes, bags and things for them.Home / Themes / PrestaShop / Fashion

Extra Fashion - PrestaShop Theme
Extra Fashion is universal and unique Prestashop Theme dedicated for all stores selling clothes, ...
Extra Fashion is universal and unique Prestashop Theme dedicated for all stores selling clothes, shoes, bags and things for them. It has many attractive animations, modern and attractive design.
- PSD files supplied
- SEO Optimized
- Multilingual
- Advanced EU Compliance
- Multistore Ready
- Blog System
- Responsive
- Graphics included
- Sticky Shopping Card
- Infinite Scroll
- Scroll To Top Button
- Quick View Product
- Grid or List View
- Standard 5 Step Checkout
- One Page Checkout
- Search Block
- Layered Navigation
- Design
- Effects & Transitions
- Image Zoom Effect
- Horizontal Menu
- Sticky Menu
- Custom Content
- Dropdown Menu
- Mega Menu
- Retina Ready
- Google Web Fonts
- Google Rich Snippets Integration
- Bootstrap
- Icon Fonts
- Lazy Load Effect
- Support RTL (right-to-left) Language
- HTML5 / CSS3
- Sass / Less
- Mobile First
- Sidebar Shopping Cart
- Newsletter Subscription Form
- Display Manufacturer / Brand on Product Page
- Manufacturer / Brand Slider
- Product Slider (Featured, New, Special and Best Seller products)
- Product Block (Featured, New, Special and Best Seller products.)
- Featured Categories on Homepage
- Contact Form
- Social Block
- Social Share Buttons
- Newsletter Subscription Block in Footer
- This Theme is compliant with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),
- Google Captcha Antispam Protection,
- Colorpicker,
- Countdown Product,
- Integrated Chat System,
- Automatic Product Carousels,
- Multiple Product Carousels,
- Comment System with Moderation,
- Lazy Load Effect (start animation),
- 5 Full Customizable Small Banners,
- Smooth Back To Top,
- Add To Cart Popup,
- 100% Responsive,
- Extra CMS Blocks,
In the package there will be all graphics and photos on the lincens Creative Commons.
Supported operating system: Windows, Mac and Linux
PHP configuration:
- "memory_limit" should be at least "64M"
- "file_max_upload_size" to "16M"
- “allow_url_fopen” should be set to “on”
- "register global" should be set to "off"
- "safe_mode" should be set to "off"
All instructions are included in package.