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XamShop Ecommerce App - Xamarin Source CodeXamShop Ecommerce App - Xamarin Source Code
XamShop is a e-commerce cross-platform application, built on Xamarin.Forms

Home / App Templates / Xamarin

XamShop Ecommerce App - Xamarin Source Code
XamShop is a e-commerce cross-platform application, built on Xamarin.Forms

XamShop is a cross-platform application, built on Xamarin.Forms. Its supported IOS, Android and Windows Phone. Xamshop helps you build a supportive sales channel for different kinds of products, easily customizable according to your needs. The interface is designed modern, beautiful. Data is connected via the RESTful API, allowing easy connection to your existing systems. We are committed to supporting you the best
- Register user account
- Login/Logout
- Slide banner image
- Search products
- List All Categories, Tags
- Product details information
- Rating, favorite, share product
- Manage Wishlist, Shopping cart, Orders
- Manage user profile
- Developed with Xamarin.Forms version
- Supported Android and IOS
- Custom Controls and more plugins
- Multi platform supperted with C# Native
- Used MVVM Design Pattern with Prism 7.1
- Clean Code
- Clean Architecture
- Used RESTful API to get/post data
- Visual Studio 2017
- Knowdlege about C#
- Open file XamShop.sln with Visual Studio 2017
- Create virtual merchine (such as Genymotion) or connect your physical device
- Build app
Category | App Templates / Xamarin |
First release | 24 July 2018 |
Last update | 30 July 2018 |
Files included | Layered .png, .apk, .dll, .xml, build.settings |
Tags | android, iOS, C#, cross platform, xamarin, mobile application |