Black Box - Unity game for iOSBlack Box - Unity game for iOS
Type right word and complete all levels!
Black Box - Unity game for iOS
Type right word and complete all levels!
Type right word and complete all levels! Great game for killing time, easy to play and help you train your brain. Take a break from your work and play!
Try game:Â AppStore
More about projects: Games based on Unity engine, and scripts write on C#. Project have good program architecture.
For more info watch video preview!
Features of this game:
- In-Apps
- Sharing
- Levels
- Different music at game
- Help button
- Rewarding
Monetisation in this game:
- AdMob
- In-Apps
- For launch completed game iOS 10.0Â or later.
- For launch project Unity 2019.1.12f1 or later.
- For launch finally build Xcode 10.3Â or later.
You can change settings all of game process. For reskin, you just need replace graphic files in game project. It’s really easy. Projects have good documentation and you can contact us for solve your problem!
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Category | App Templates / Unity / Templates / Quiz |
First release | 3 July 2018 |
Last update | 3 August 2021 |
Operating Systems | iOS 10.0, Unity 5.5, iOS 11.0, iOS 9.0 |
Files included | .cs, .h, .m, .csproj, .unityproj, .prefab |
Tags | iOS, quiz, Unity, Puzzle, levels, sale, black, flat, education, box, big, taptap, taptapstudio |