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Thought - Late Night Thinking App iOSThought - Late Night Thinking App iOS
Thought provides a relaxing place to write what you think.Home / App Templates / iOS / Applications / Productivity

Thought - Late Night Thinking App iOS
Thought provides a relaxing place to write what you think.
Thought is designed to be the perfect place before bedtime. It allows to write your thoughts freely before you sleep.
- Beautiful animations
- Fully adaptive and draggable thought bubbles
- Night interface with stars
- Custom note taking page
- Localization for 8 different languages
- Google Admob ready design
- Admob account for adding advertisements
- Custom app icon
- Icons for reskin
- Swift and iOS SDK knowledge for customization
- Create a custom logo
- Change some icons, background colors, customize as you wish
- To use admob, fill appID and bannerUnitID fields in CustomizationShortcuts.swift file.
- Adaptive keyboard feature may misbehave in the simulator. Because the feature is virtual keyboard dependent and simulator sometimes does not show the keyboard. This issue does not happen in real devices
- You can modify some attributes about the appearance at CustomizationShortcuts.swift file
- Change the app icon at Assets.xcassets file
- In order to modify texts inside the labels, buttons and tabs; head to Localizable.strings file and change the text for a specific language by editing the string after "=" sign