Sudoku - Android App Source CodeSudoku - Android App Source Code
Sudoku games with 1200 pre-loaded board inside
Sudoku - Android App Source Code
Sudoku games with 1200 pre-loaded board inside
You won’t be looking for other puzzle game ever again!
Play store stats tell alone, sudoku apps have million of download, thousands of review and most important very high profit, user always search for new sudoku app to play why don't give what they want...
With this app you get 1200 sudoku table categorized in 4 difficulty levels, intuitive interface, theming option, ADMOB READY and more, this Sudoku app will be for sure the favorite of your user and of course of your wallet
- 1200 sudoku table to play categorized in 4 different difficult (easy, medium, hard, very hard).
- In game notes, checkpoint, error highlight, undo/redo, reset timer or actual game.
- Auto-save the state when you play, this mean if you exit app for break when you come in again you find the sudoku exactly like last time.
- Choose between three themes pre-loaded or easily create you own.
- Translated in 6 different languages (EN, IT, DE, FR, CS, SV ) plus chinese(ZH) ( only 50% translated)
- Sudoku list can be filterable with the follow option: "solved", "played" and "never played"
- Easy import method for new sudoku
- ADMOB ready
- All image file in drawable folder
- 1200 sudoku table categorized in 4 different difficult
- Translation file in 6 different language plus chinese (50% translated for now)
- Compatible with android 2.3.3 or higher
- Android Studio
For reskin the app replace all image files that you find in drawable and drawable-hdpi with your own, remember if you change the name of one image file you must change it in the layout that use that image.
For change app icon, simply copy it in drawable-hdpi with name ic_launcher if you want don't change the reference in manifest file.
Further details are available in .doc files inside the project.