SquaredVideo - iOS Video Recording App Source CodeSquaredVideo - iOS Video Recording App Source Code
Easy squared video recording with cool filters.
SquaredVideo - iOS Video Recording App Source Code
Easy squared video recording with cool filters.
Easy to use video recording app for iOS. This app records in a squared format, easy for Instagram and Vine. It ships with 5 filters and you can set a time limitation 6s or 15s. Switching between cameras possible while recording. The recorded videos are automatically saved to the Photos and downsized for easy uploading. You can turn on the torch as well.
The app's background and setting switches color can easily be modified. Also all text in the app can easily be modified. Instructions are included in a seperate file. This app is written in native Objective-C. Just unzip the downloaded file and double click the .xcodeproj file and you're good to go.
- Easy squared video recording
- 6s and 15s time preset (or no time limit)
- 5 cool filters
- Sepia
- Grayscale
- Light Sketch
- Dark Sketch
- Inverted
- Supports both front and back camera
- Torch mode
- Switch between cameras while recording
- Videos automatically to Photos.
- Videos automatically downsized for easy uploading.
- Perfect for Instagram and Vine sharing.
- No need to connect to Social Networks within the app. Upoad your videos when and where you want.
- Easy to reskin.
- Well written code and no bugs
- iOS 8 and Iphone 6 , 6+ ready
- Supports iOS 7
- Full Source Code
- Instructions File
- Artwork (Icon and launch images)
- iOS 7.1 or higher
- Latest Xcode version
- An Apple Developer Account for publishing to app to the AppStore
Easy to reskin.
A detailed instructions file is included in the project.