Spartans World - Android Game Source CodeSpartans World - Android Game Source Code
Collect diamonds and run for your life as the hero.
Spartans World - Android Game Source Code
Collect diamonds and run for your life as the hero.
If you’re looking for that BIG ONE Game Source Code that will fund your Indie Game studio for the rest of the year, check this out!
- Full Game Template
- Easy to Reskin Cocos2d Source Code (Native Android)
- Unlimited Re Skin Potential
- Endless Game Play
- Optimized Code & Balanced
- Ads Installed: AdMob, Chartboost, RevMob
- Analytics Installed: GameAnalytics
- App Promotion, Reviews
- Optimized for new Android
Ad Networks:
- AdMob
- Chartboost
- RevMob
More Features:
- New Android Compatible
- Free & Pro Versions Included
- Complete Ready to Use Store
- In App Purchases (Upgrades + Characters Store)
- Game Leaderboards (GameCenter)
- Intersitial Ads (Chartboost & RevMob)
- Banner Ads (AdMob)
We made this easy to reskin from the design of code in Cocos2d.
A perfect code for your 1st or 100th reskin using Cocos2d. The opportunities are endless.
- requires Eclipse (free windows software for export the app)
- and your own fantasy
The project was build with the latest Eclipse. Newer versions of Eclipse should build this project without problems.
Compile warnings can safely be ignored, most of these warnings are coming from the external libraries that we we are using in this source code.
In addition to the specific customizations below, you’ll also need to change the following:
- Application Bundle Identifier (Bundle ID)
- Product Name
- App Icons and Splash Screens.
All resources in “Resources” folder
Art should be packed in atlases. Sources of atlases in “Zwoptex” folder. We use 2 packages for art it is “sd” and “hd”. You find there *.zwd files which may by opened by zwoptex (https:// www.zwopple.com/zwoptex/). The name of atlasses should be preserved.