TALLStripe - Custom Stripe IntegrationTALLStripe - Custom Stripe Integration
Stripe integration with both subscription and one-time payment support
TALLStripe - Custom Stripe Integration
Stripe integration with both subscription and one-time payment support
Simplify your payment workflows with our custom Stripe integration built specifically for the TALL stack. This powerful script enables you to manage subscriptions and one-time payments effortlessly, with a focus on seamless integration, security, and flexibility.
• Subscription Management: Easily create, update, and cancel subscriptions with Stripe’s robust billing system.
• One-Time Payments: Process single payments securely and efficiently.
• Customizable UI: Designed for TALL stack projects, with Tailwind CSS and Livewire for smooth user experiences.
• Stripe Webhooks Support: Automatically handle payment events like subscription renewals, cancellations, and failures.
• Detailed Invoices: Generate and manage invoices for subscriptions and payments.
• Secure and Reliable: Leverages Stripe’s advanced security protocols for safe transactions.
• Developer-Friendly: Clean, modular code that’s easy to understand and extend.
1. Server Requirements:
• PHP: Version 8.3 or higher
• Web Server: Apache, Nginx, or equivalent
• Database: MySQL 8.0+, PostgreSQL, or any Laravel-supported database
2. Framework Requirements:
• Laravel: Version 10.x or higher
• TALL Stack Components:
• Tailwind CSS: For modern and responsive front-end design
• Alpine.js: For lightweight interactivity
• Livewire: For dynamic, reactive interfaces without JavaScript complexity
• Laravel: Backend for robust and scalable functionality
3. Stripe API Key:
• A Stripe account is required to generate API keys (Publishable and Secret keys).
4. Dependencies:
• Composer: To install and manage PHP dependencies.
• Node.js & NPM/Yarn: Required for Tailwind CSS and other front-end tooling.
5. Environment Setup:
• HTTPS Support: Required for secure Stripe payment processing.
• Configured .env File: Ensure Stripe API keys, database credentials, and other environment variables are set.
In order to setup Stripe you will need to first create an account with Stripe.
Second you will need to create the products. Here there are multiple ways you can set it up,
we for this Implementation we created 2 products. One for Subscription prices nad one for one time
And for each product we can define how many prices we want.
In our case for subscription we have 2 prices Subscription.
Next step is to define Stripe keys into your .envfile
Stripe public & secret keys
These are needed in order to initiate transactions with Stripe.
STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY=pk_************* STRIPE_PRIVATE_KEY=sk_*************
Stripe products price ID's
These are the prices that you will use when you charge your customers for subscriptions or
for one-time payment.
Since we are using webhook to track the transactions. Firs you will need to define a Webhook
in your Stripe account. There you will need to define the API where you will listen for the events
trigered by Stripe. In our example I will use the one for this implementation:
Webhook URL
Webhook secret
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Payment |
First release | 27 January 2025 |
Last update | 27 January 2025 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, Javascript .js |
Tags | payment gateway, php script, stripe integration, secure transactions, online payments, payment processing, php payments, stripe api, php stripe tutorial, e-commerce payments, subscription payments, stripe checkout, php payment solution, recurring payments, stripe php library |