Home / App Templates / Android / Games / Arcade

Ping Pong - Android Game Source CodePing Pong - Android Game Source Code
Ping Pong is a simulation arcade game which can be played with friend or versus computer opponent.

Home / App Templates / Android / Games / Arcade

Ping Pong - Android Game Source Code
Ping Pong is a simulation arcade game which can be played with friend or versus computer opponent.

Ping Pong is a simulation arcade game which can be played with friend or versus computer opponent. Controls is very simple: player should tap on left and right sides of the screen and move paddle to bounce the ball. When one of players score a 5 goals he completely wins the game.
Demo APK
- Android 2.2+ support
- Editable with Eclipse IDE or similar
- Admob Interstetial Ads integrated
- Uses last version of AndEngine and Box2D Physics Extension
- 1 and 2 player modes
- Addictive gameplay
- Very easy to reskin
- Convenient controls
- full source code (eclipse project)
- pdf file with setup instructions
- Android 2.2+
- 256MB RAM
Source code contains pdf file with setup instructions.
Other items by this author
Category | App Templates / Android / Games / Arcade |
First release | 16 January 2015 |
Last update | 16 January 2015 |
Tags | android, arcade, Java, andengine, Multiplayer, eclipse, ping pong, table tennis, box2d, physics |