AI News App - Flutter Full Application AI News App - Flutter Full Application
[Limited Time Offer] News shorts AI Summaries from your favorite News Sources (Flutter+ Django Backend)
AI News App - Flutter Full Application
[Limited Time Offer] News shorts AI Summaries from your favorite News Sources (Flutter+ Django Ba...
News shorts is a cutting-edge Android and iOS Application that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide concise summaries of news articles sourced from any RSS Feed. This innovative application is developed using a top-tier tech stack consisting of react, django, and open AI.
- The app boasts a sleek and intuitive modern UI/UX design that enhances user interaction and engagement.
- Designed to be flexible for seamless deployment on both Android and iOS platforms, ensuring a wider reach for users.
- It features a robust user management system that allows for seamless account handling and customization.
- The app intelligently stores user activity data to enable news personalisation, tailoring the news feed according to individual preferences.
- With a focus on performance, the app's back-end is engineered for high scalability, ensuring smooth operation even with a large user base.
- Advanced AI technology: News shorts utilizes state-of-the-art AI algorithms to deliver precise and informative news summaries.
- Enhanced user experience: The application offers a seamless and visually appealing UI/UX design for an engaging user experience.
- Seamless cross-platform compatibility: Users can enjoy the app's features on both Android and iOS devices, ensuring accessibility across different platforms.
- Efficient user management system: The app's user management capabilities enable personalized experiences, catering to individual preferences and interests.
- Scalable back-end infrastructure: The back-end architecture is designed for high scalability, allowing the app to handle a growing user base without compromising performance.
- AI Powered Summaries
- Can add any news paper with RSS Feed
- Back-end is built with Django
- App Is built with Flutter
- Web app is build with React
- User management with Google Auth
Ensure you have the following tools installed:
- Python (with pip)
- Django
- Flutter
- Android Studio or any suitable code editor
Setup Instructions for Feed API and Newsdesk UI
Backend Setup
Step 1: Unzip the Backend Code
- Download the feed-api-1.0.2.zip file.
- Extract the contents to your preferred directory.
Step 2: Install Required Modules
- Navigate to the extracted backend folder in your terminal.
- Locate the requirements.txt file.
Install the required Python packages by executing the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 3: Configure the Django Server
- Set up your database configurations and any necessary environment variables.
- Run database migrations: python manage.py migrate
3. Start the Django development server:
python manage.py runserver
4. Ensure that all API endpoints are running properly by visiting the complete list of API endpoints provided here.
Step 4: Configure Custom Domain
- Update your server's settings to run on your custom domain.
Frontend Setup
Step 1: Open the Frontend Project
- Open the newsdeskui-1.0.2 folder using Android Studio or your preferred code editor.
Step 2: Update Base API URL
- Navigate to the file: newsdeskui-1.0.2/lib/utils/constants.dart.
- Modify the baseApi variable to point to your custom domain: dart const String baseApi = 'your_custom_domain';
Build the Flutter Application
Step 1: Build for iOS, Android, and Web
- Open a terminal in the newsdeskui-1.0.2 directory.
- Execute the following commands to build the Flutter app for each platform:
- For Android: flutter build apk --release
- For iOS: flutter build ios --release
- For Web: flutter build web --release
Your backend and frontend applications should now be set up and ready for use. Ensure to test all functionalities to confirm that the integration between the backend and frontend is seamless.
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Category | App Templates / Flutter / Full Applications |
First release | 8 October 2024 |
Last update | 8 October 2024 |
Files included | .py, .swift |
Tags | news, python, ai, django, newsapp |