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Food Logo Design 3Food Logo Design 3
Logo Food Vector Logo Design Template 3. Fully Editable, Easy to Edit the Text, Slogan and ColorHome / Graphics / Logos / Restaurant

Food Logo Design 3
Logo Food Vector Logo Design Template 3. Fully Editable, Easy to Edit the Text, Slogan and Color
Please Read With Carefully!
- Fully Editable, Easy to Edit the Text, Slogan and Color
- Include 100% Vector Ai and Eps 10 (CMYK)
- JPEG - For Printable, Iron On Transfers
- PNG transparent background for Printable, Iron On Transfers
- Include PSD Photoshop and PDF
- Layered
- Using Free Font
- Enjoy and don't hesitate to contact us
- Thanks
- AI
You Must Have!
- Adobe illustrator
- Font (Font Name File is Included in Main File)