Freekick Soccer 24 Unity TemplateFreekick Soccer 24 Unity Template
This is a fun and challenging football freekick game source code for mobile
Freekick Soccer 24 Unity Template
This is a fun and challenging football freekick game source code for mobile
Freekick Soccer 24 is a fun and challenging football freekick game source code for mobile. It gives your players an addictive football simulation game by controlling player to
score goals. Your player will use finger to shoot and score to win a game.
– Flick to shoot to score or complete challenges .
Use with Unity 2021.3.36f1
Demo: https://www.mediafire.com/file...
– Addictive gameplay for hours of football freekick simulation
– Many levels
– Many items to customize players
– Admob Interestitial
– Good performance for mobile.
– Android 14 support.
– Works on all platforms, PC, Mac, iOS, Android, etc
Use with Unity 2021.3.36f1
A. Structure:
This game has 4 type of scenes in build:
Splash located in Assets/_App/Scenes
Inazuma Store located in Assets/_App/Scenes
Training located in Assets/_App/Scenes
others are gameplay scenes located in Assets/_App/Scenes
+ Splash can be used to change main splash screen.
+ Inazuma Store is store scene, you can change menu UI,text and graphic.
+ Training is tutorial scene,you can change menu UI,text and graphic here.
+ other Scene is where gameplay run, devided by level, you can change
menu UI,text and graphic here.
+ You should run the game from Splash scene if you want to test it .
B.Test your game:
You can test your game by hit Play on Windows Editor or build apk to
test on your phone. Remember we build this project with Unity 2021.3.36f1
so you should run it with the same version or later
Go to Sprites folder and edit all image there
Example:To change Icon image
Go to Assets/Textures and find image name .png
-> then edit by your photoshop or other image editor and
overwrite the old image with same size and same name.
And so you can change whatever you want because
all graphics of this project is there.
Go to Assets/Sounds and edit them or replace them with yours
E.Replace your Admob id, Unity ads id
1.Get admob app id and ad id from your admob account
2. Find Admob Game Object in Assets folder. Select it.
Look Inspector and fill your key
Other items by this author
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Category | App Templates / Unity / Templates / Sport |
First release | 13 August 2024 |
Last update | 13 August 2024 |
Operating Systems | iOS 10.0, Android 7.0, Android 8.0, iOS 11.0, Android 9.0, iOS 12.0, Windows 8, Windows 10, Android 10.0, iOS 14.0, iOS 13.0, iOS 15.0, Android 11.0, Android 12.0, iOS 9.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Files included | Layered .png, .java, .dll, .unityproj, .obj, .prefab, build.settings |
Tags | android, mobile, iOS, game, source code, admob, Unity, fun, football, soccer, player, world, goal keeper, free kick |