NextJob - Laravel Vue Job Board - Job PortalNextJob - Laravel Vue Job Board - Job Portal
This application is going to help employer to choose the right candidates and candidates to find right job.

NextJob - Laravel Vue Job Board - Job Portal
This application is going to help employer to choose the right candidates and candidates to find...

Welcome and thanks for having a look in our job portal . We hope NextJob is the Jobportal that you have been looking for. It made finding jobs and hiring process much easier .
Give it a try
Demo URL: Demo Site
Employer/Admin/Jobseeker Login URL : Login
Documentation: Documentation
Credentials are pre-filled- Just click Demo Login as Admin/Employer/JobSeeker button – Admin features partially disabled

We will break down the features in three section. One describing the Global features , means this are true for all section and modules in our app . Second for Employer and Jobseeker related features and Admin section.
Global features
- Multi language, country,currency based
- Clean and modern responsive design .
- Backend code is written in clean and optimized way, which make customization easier and performance better.
- With the help of leaflet map we build much sophisticated map and location search system .
- In Frontend (Vue js) we created many small reusable component in order to reduce code duplication, make it reusable and easily customizable.
- Chat system, instant notification .
- Complete Dark and light theme support .
- 20 + prebuild theme to choose from
- Powerful and easy to use Search and filtering system.
- Completely SEO Friendly
- Chart to visualize data.
- Customize mail and notification that is being sent by application.
- Powerful CMS to customize you pages
Employer and Jobseeker
One employer account is not bound to one company . Employer can manage multiple companies and jobs for each company separately . Number of company an employer can manage is set by the pricing plan he is using .
Multi step easy to use job builder to make your job posting experience easier.
Charts to show how each job gets visits and application during time intervals . How many views each day his companies are getting.
Beautiful Kanban board and list view for each job to get all applications and there details in employers fingertips.
Application can go through many workflows like , Application received -> Screening -> Interview Schedule -> Offer send -> Hired etc. A default workflow is created for each job which employer can customize letter.Filtering are added to help employer find right candidate .
In order to help employer to assess employer to help keep track of candidate , Employer can create many questions that he wants to ask each candidate during interview. He can also add checklist that he want to keep track of.
Publishing jobs are made super easy just by clicking once . For example after filling job data you can immediately select what you want to do . You can draft job , publish job, publish job as featured or publish job as highlighted in one click.
Chat system to communicate with candidate.
Manage Company Basic information ,profile,contact,social media links,benefits,ceo ang image gallery for each company
Purchase plan that suits his usage with multiple payment options and update if needed.
Bookmarks candidates.
Manage account information
- Job seeker can login register in our system using email password or social media login.
- Chart for them to know how many people are visiting there profile over time
- Powerful resume builder . One jobseeker can manage multiple resume and during job apply they can choose which resume to use for particular job application. They can choose default resume which is visible to public or employer .
- They can show all jobs they applied and get this application status for applied jobs. Save there favorite jobs and follow companies that are interested to them to get updates from those companies
- Can chat with employer for there applied jobs .
- Manage there profile, contact , social media links , account etc.
Admin Panel
We have a powerful admin panel to manage ins and outs ot this application . Below are some of the core features you will get in admin panel .
- Customize each and every notification and email that are sent from our application .
- Charts for earning history and Employer, Job seeker registration chart to get an overall idea .
- Manage currency, translations, location etc.
- CMS to manage pages content and SEO related data.
- Theme,application,payment methods,mail,broadcast,recaptcha,social media settings and many more.
- Manage blog,subscription,contact etc.
- Manage job,companies,pricing plans, job and company attributes,
- Impersonate as employer or jobseeker account and many more.
Installation Guide
Server requirements
Our web application us build by using Laravel framework.The Laravel framework has a few system requirements. You should ensure that your web server has the following minimum PHP version and extensions:
- PHP >= 8.1
- Ctype PHP Extension
- cURL PHP Extension
- DOM PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
- Filter PHP Extension
- Hash PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PCRE PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Session PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- MySQL Version: 8.0 or higher
- Web Server: Apache or Nginx
# Files Setup
Before proceeding with the actual installation, we need to make sure that you unzip the script content onto the directory that is going to serve your domain. This can be either done via cPanel or command line.
# Upload the script directory onto your server.
Locate the file manager and upload the Script folder onto your web serving directory. You can then even move the contents of the newly extracted Script folder onto the side main public directory, but make sure you also copy any hidden files.
# Extract archive contents.
Extract Script.zip file in you domain root folder like the image below
# Configure files permissions
In order for the script to work properly, you will need to configure the right permissions some of the files & folders you've just extracted. Set the access permissions (CHMOD) to 755 for the following folders:
- storage
- bootstrap
# Changing the public directory
Configure your web server's document / web root to point to the public directory of the software. For example, if you've uploaded the software in nextjob.com folder, your web directory should be changed to nextjob.com/public folder.
If your hosting provider doesn't allow changing your DocumentRoot, you can temporarily rename the .htaccess-sample to .htaccess. Use this just as a temporary solution
# Database Setup
# Create a new database
# Create a new mysql user
Make sure to copy user password . We are going to need it soon
# Add the user to the database
# Import the database
We are going to import the demo database from Cpanel open phpmyadmin app. make sure to select the correct database. then select the import tab like the image below and select app.sql file .
# Set Database credential in .env file
In our script we provide an .env.example. rename it to .env or create a .env file by copying content from .env.example file and then edit it.
APP_NAME="Your Application Name"
DB_DATABASE="database name you gave earlier ex : hstradei_smartjob"
DB_USERNAME="database name you gave earlier ex: hstradei_smartjob_user"
DB_PASSWORD="database password you gave earlier"
Now visit your site's login https://yourdomain.com/login page and enter following credentials
email : [email protected]
password : ~:B5dTOa(!S
After login to admin panel go to System > Commands section and there you will find storage:link command. Click run button .
Congratulation your application is installed . We still need some crucial configuration to work our application work properly. refer to our documentation for some more configuration like mail,cron jobs etc.
9 months agoJFOC PurchasedRating:sorry, some parts is not working and the support is not good, waiting 5 days for support with no answer
PHP Script Installation Service
Don't worry about the installation of your script! Have your PHP Script installed for you.
$39 | Buy now |
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Marketplace / Services |
First release | 30 April 2024 |
Last update | 7 June 2024 |
Software version | PHP 8.1, PHP 8.2 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, .db, Javascript .js |
Tags | responsive, multi language, seo friendly, admin panel, job board, laravel, Job Portal, hiring, candidate, vue, multi currency, jobseeker, single page application |