Vimeo Uploader For Uploading Videos To VimeoVimeo Uploader For Uploading Videos To Vimeo
Vimeo-uploader is a PHP (laravel) script that will help you to simply upload your videos to Vimeo platform
Vimeo Uploader For Uploading Videos To Vimeo
Vimeo-uploader is a PHP (laravel) script that will help you to simply upload your videos to Vimeo...
Vimeo-uploader is a PHP (laravel) script that will help you to simply upload your videos to Vimeo platform and assign every lesson to
Vimeo folder as category with one click with pretty progress bar of status uploading
1- upload video lesson with one click
2- pretty progress bar status uploaded %
3- update lesson video status and duration automatically once upload is done and Vimeo transcode uploaded video done
4- every lesson upload can assigned to folders Vimeo as a category
5- a pretty page showing your folders from Vimeo API
6- you can update folder name
7- you can delete folder category
8- update lesson video and delete the old
Xammp or Lragon
PHP 8.1
- start your server then open this link http://localhost/phpmyadmin
- create new database with name "vimeo-uploader"
- open 4 pages in terminal on the project path
- write php artisan serve to start the application
- then open another one and write php artisan migrate:fresh --seed to seed the data
- another tab write php artisan queue:work
- and last tab write php artisan schedule:work
- open the browser and write
Admin Panel Credentials:
email: [email protected]
password: password
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Uploaders |
First release | 24 February 2024 |
Last update | 24 February 2024 |
Software version | PHP 8.0, PHP 8.1 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, Javascript .js |
Database | MySQL 4.x, MySQL 5.x |
JavaScript Framework | jQuery |
Tags | uploader, vimeo uploader, vimeo api, upload videos, laravel vimeo, php vimeo, php vimeo uploader, laravel vimeo uploader |