ApexForum - The Ultimate Forum PlatformApexForum - The Ultimate Forum Platform
The Ultimate Laravel Forum & Community Discussions Platform

ApexForum - The Ultimate Forum Platform
The Ultimate Laravel Forum & Community Discussions Platform

It is the Ultimate Laravel Forum Script users have been wanting for, it has great features including a Powerful Text Editor, Chat System, Subscriptions, Tips, Word Censor, Gamifications (Follow/Unfollow, Notifications, Facebook Like Emoji Reactions), PayPal, Stripe, Multi Language, RTL Design Included, Dark & Light Mode, Points System, Banning Users e.t.c
The Demo Login Credentials are ON the Site, just Click the Link Below and Login
Link - ApexForum Login
- Built with Laravel v10.34
- Bootstrap v5.2
- Ajax, jQuery, JavaScript
Make Money
- Subscriptions
- Commissions on User Tips
- Users can Buy Points
- Google Adsense
- Ads
- Posts, Comments, Replies
- Mark posts as Solved
- Mark comment or reply as Solution
- Only post to your followers
- Disable comments & replies on Posts
- Pin & Unpin Posts
- Feed - show posts of users you are following
- Copy to Clipboard functionality for Code Snippets
- Word Censor feature.
- Pro Categories for only subscription paying users
- Search Bar (New)
- User Badges for Admin + Moderator + Pro Accounts (New)
Powerful Text Editor (Trumbowyg WYSIWYG Editor)
- Upload Images from Local Disk.
- Dark and Light Mode.
- Embed Videos from multiple sites e.g. Youtube, Vimeo
- Upload Images from any Sites.
- Gifs Embedding
- Emojis
- Code Snippets
- Inline Editing
- Plus more...
- Notification System
- Like feature on Posts, Comments & Replies
- Facebook Like Emoji Reactions
- Bookmark Posts
- Follow and Unfollow Users
- Share Posts
Chat System
- Images Uploads
- Video Uploads
- Audio Uploads
- Gifs Uploads
- Emoji Uploads
Payments Features
- Enable or Disable Payments on the site
- Wallet system
- Subscriptions
- Tips
- Buy Points
- Ads
- Invoices included
Payment Gateways
- PayPal
- Stripe
- Points system
- Badges
- Leaderboard
- Stats
- Check Users Online
- Reports Posts, Comments, Replies, User
- Block User
- Banning Users
- Word Censoring
Multi Language
- English Language
- French Language
- German Language
- Spanish Language
- Portuguese Language
- Arabic Language
- Russian Language
- Chinese Language
- Italian Language
- Turkish Language
- Romanian Language
- Google Social Login
- Facebook Social Login
- Google Recaptcha
- Email Verification
Email Templates
- Welcome Email Template
- New Comment on your Post Email Template
- New Reply on your Comment Email Template
- New Follower Email Template
- New Message Email Template
- Tip Received Email Template
- Added Funds Email Template
- Payouts Email Template
- User Banned Email Template
- Forgot Password Email Template (New)
- Sitemap
- Schema.org Json Script (New)
- Robots.txt (New)
- Google Analytics
- Dark & Light Mode
- LTR & RTL Designs
- Fully Responsive Design
- Aesthetic Design
- Scrolling Animations Enabled
- HTML5 & CSS3 & JavaScript
- Retina Display Ready
- 400+ Bootstrap Font Icons
- All files are well commented
- Cross browser Compatible with IE9+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
- Extensive Documentation
- 24 Hour Support
Update November 21st 2024
- New Search Bar + Responsive + RTL - New Categories Design + Responsive + RTL - New Tags Design + Responsive + RTL - New Pagination (Changed all the files using pagination) + Responsive + RTL - Added Forgot Password Email Template in the Admin - Fixed Email Verification Mail - Added New User Badges for Admin + Moderator + Pro Accounts - New Sitemap for Posts, Categories, Tags, Pages, Users for SEO - Added Schema.org Json Script on Posts for SEO - Added Robots.txt for SEO
Update April 16th 2024
- Fixed Error on Admin add user - Fixed Error on User delete posts - Changed the design of Join Us section in Homepage - Changed the colors of the Ads - Disabled Google Recaptcha, Facebook Login & Google Login on Database when you install the script
Update April 4th 2024
- Enable or Disable Payments on site Feature - Added Google Recaptcha - Added Email Verification for Users - Added Email Templates - Added User Email Notifications - Added HTML Code View in the Text Editor - Fixed Forgot Password - Turkish & Romanian Language - Manage Countries in the Admin
Update February 28th 2024
- Added Google Social Login - Added Facebook Social Login - Added Sitemap - Added Multi-Language in Laravel Dates (Changed almost all files) - Added Image Upload from Local Disk in Trumbowyg Text Editor - Added Dark Mode and Light Mode in Trumbowyg Text Editor - Fixed Moderation in Admin for Posts, Comments, Replies - Removed Paystack Payment Gateway due to errors, will be adding it later
Update January 31th 2024
- Added Tags Crud in Admin Section - Added User Stats & Profile in Admin Section - Activate/Deactivate Posts in Admin Section - Fixed Delete Chats in Admin & User Sections - Fixed Delete Posts in Admin & User Sections - Fixed Delete User in Admin Section - Fixed Delete Category in Admin Section - Fixed Mail Settings in Admin Section
Update January 19th 2024
- Fixed Category Deletion Issue - Show active payment gateways in user Deposits - Added Spanish Language - Added Portuguese Language - Added Arabic Language - Added Russian Language - Added Chinese Language - Added Italian Language
Update January 4th 2024
- Fixed User Delete Issue - Fixed User Tips Issue - Fixed Navbar Mobile Responsive - Added Google Analytics - Added Google Adsense - Added German Language
Server Requirements:
- PHP >= 8.1.0
- MySQL 5.7 +
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- BCMath PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
- GD Library (>=2.0)
- Curl
1. Unzip the Script.
You will find ApexForum folder and its Documentation.
2. Upload ApexForum
Upload all the files from ApexForum folder to your web host.
3. Edit .env
Change the details to match your credentials.
- APP_URL (your website link)
- DB_DATABASE (your website database)
- DB_USERNAME (your website database username)
- DB_PASSWORD (your website database password)
4. Create a Database.
Go to your server and create a database and import an apexforum.sql or apexforum_empty.sql found inside the Database folder.
It will have 40 tables.
1 month agoZothecula PurchasedRating:Needs work, needs more of the features to have editing capabilities in the admin section instead of having to edit files that will get overwrote each update.
2 months agoponygirl PurchasedRating:Apex Forum is a great extension. Easy to install and worked first time.
I needed a small change to the script and contacted the Developer who replied straightway.
Communication was excellent as was the price for the custom change.
Awesome work Thank You -
5 months agoDance4Love PurchasedRating:This script have a many bugs and shortcomings. The price is inadequate to the quality of the code. Translation sometimes is through the panel, sometimes in files, google recaptcha is in the panel and sometimes you have to change it in the files code. Carelessly written code quickly. My rating of this code is 5/10, because the potential is there but the code is terrible.
Naprawdę słabo napisany kod, czasami możemy coś zmienić przez panel ACP a czasami musimy grzebacz w kodzie i zmieniać treść bo autor kodu zapomniał chyba dodać linijkę kodu z tablicy. Słaby support, niby jest za FREE ale nie pomogą bo muszę zapłacić za pomoc. Słabe, nie polecam autora.
Really poorly written code, sometimes we can change something through the ACP panel and sometimes we have to dig into the code and change the content because the author of the code probably forgot to add a line of code from the table. Poor support, supposedly it's FREE but they won't help because I have to pay for help. Poor, I don't recommend the author. -
7 months agocoldeyes PurchasedRating:I want to start by saying a huge thank you to the developer for this fantastic script. No script is without bugs, but what really stands out here is the effort, the user interface, and the overall vision behind this project. This forum script is one of the best available on the internet right now, even surpassing some of those on Envato Market.
The features are thoughtfully implemented and clearly designed with the user in mind. While it could benefit from regular updates to iron out some issues, it's evident that this script is on its way to becoming a top seller. The mobile version could use some tweaking to reduce clutter, and it would be great to see the addition of payment gateways like Paystack and FlutterWave for African users, WordPress login integration for many blog users adding this as their forum on subdomain, and support for S3 and CDN to serve assets and images faster.
That said, I can confidently give this script 5 stars. The developer's vision is ambitious, and I look forward to seeing how it continues to evolve. Keep up the excellent work! -
8 months agoalke PurchasedRating:BUYERS BEWARE - BUYER ALERT - STAY AWAY
This seller got my original review removed as it told his truth about the issues with the script.
Avoid this seller and script at all costs. Lot of drama and the script has lots of issues.
Want to save your money - then do not buy this script.
Other items by this author
PHP Script Installation Service
Don't worry about the installation of your script! Have your PHP Script installed for you.
$29 | Buy now |
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Forum |
First release | 30 November 2023 |
Last update | 21 November 2024 |
HTML/CSS Framework | Bootstrap |
Software version | PHP 8.0, PHP 8.1, PHP 8.2 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, Javascript .js |
Database | MySQL 5.x |
Software framework | Laravel |
JavaScript Framework | jQuery |
Tags | social network, questions, answers, community, forum, support forum, bulletin board, discussion platform |