Nexel- CRM Admin Dashboard UIKitNexel- CRM Admin Dashboard UIKit
NEXEL is a leading CRM application and admin dashboard that helps businesses improve customer relationships and drive growth. Average rating of 5.0 based on 1 votesNexel- CRM Admin Dashboard UIKit
NEXEL is a leading CRM application and admin dashboard that helps businesses improve customer rel... Average rating of 5.0Overview
NEXEL is a top-of-the-line CRM application and admin dashboard designed to help businesses take their operations to the next level. With its intuitive interface and robust set of features, NEXEL makes it easy for businesses to manage customer relationships, track sales and marketing efforts, and analyze data to make informed decisions. The application is optimized for search engines, ensuring that it will perform well in search results and attract the right customers.
Whether you're a small business owner looking to improve customer satisfaction, a sales team looking to increase sales, or a marketing professional seeking to better understand your customers, NEXEL is the solution you need to achieve your goals. The application provides a comprehensive view of customer interactions, allowing businesses to track leads, manage sales pipelines, and analyze customer behavior to identify new opportunities.
With NEXEL's powerful reporting and analytics capabilities, businesses can easily track their progress and make data-driven decisions. The application provides detailed insights into customer behavior and buying patterns, making it easy for businesses to identify trends and take action. Additionally, NEXEL integrates with a range of popular marketing and sales tools, making it easy for businesses to track their efforts and optimize their strategies.
Whether you're looking to improve customer satisfaction, increase sales, or better understand your customers, NEXEL is the CRM application and admin dashboard you need. With its user-friendly interface, powerful features, and search engine optimization, NEXEL is the perfect solution for businesses of all sizes looking to take their operations to the next level.
Plugins Credit:
- Twitter Bootstrap - [](
- Bootstrap Select- [](
- Bootstrap Timepicker- [](
- Bootstrap Dtepicker- [](
- Font Awesome- [](
- Ionicons- [](
- CodeMirror- [](
- DataTables- [](
- Dropify- [](
- Dropzonejs- [](
- FooTable- [](
- Formatterjs- [](
- FullCalendar- [](
- Gmapsjs- [](
- jQuery- [](
- jQuery UI- [](
- jQuery Validation- [](
- jsTree- [](
- Daterangepicker- [](
- Datetimepicker- [](
- Dragula- [](
- Feather Icon- [](
- Flag Icon- [](
- Flatpickr- [](
- Flowjs- [](
- Growl.js- [](
- Idle Timer- [](
- Ladda- [](
- Typeahead- [](
- Apex Chart- [](
- Chart Js- [](
- Chartist- [](
- Flot Chart- [](
- Morris Chart- [](
- Chart Sparkline- [](
- Bootstrap Markdown- [](
- Bootstrap-select- [](
- Bootstrap Sortable- [](
- Bootstrap Tagsinput- [](
- CleaveJS- [](
- Cropper- [](
- CryptoFont- [](
- Popper- [](
- Google Forts- [](
- Jqvmap- [](
- Momentjs- [](")
- Pace- [](
- Parsleyjs- [](
- PhotoSwipe- [](
- SmartWizard- [](
- jQuery Steps- [](
- Summernote- [](
- Sweetalert- [](
- Toastr- [](
- Â MaterialDesignIcons- [](
- Nestable jQuery- [](
Images Credit:Â
- Pexel [](
- Unsplash [](
- Freepik [](
- Storyset [](
- Flaticon [](
- Icomoon [](
- Iconscout [](
- Undraw [](
- DummyImage [](
NOTE: Please note that all images used in the template are presented only for demo purposes. Images come from , , , , , .Images are subject to the copyright of their authors. It is the responsibility of the buyer to check its copyright before usage.
Core Features:
- HTML5 & CSS3
- CRMÂ Admin &Â Dashboard
- Fully Responsive Design
- Clean and Valid Code
- Built with Bootstrap 5.x.x
- 50+ jQuery Plugins
- Build With Sass
- NPM Compatibility
- Gulpfile Included
- Multiple Skin Options
- Multiple Layouts Options
- Lightweight and Super Fast
- Developer-friendly code
- Easy to Customize
- Cross Browser Compatibility
- Multiple Color Variations
- Lifetime Free Updates
- Awesome Documentation and Support
- Nodejs
- Gulpjs
Jan 2, 2024tamboxstudio PurchasedRating:
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Category | Themes / HTML / Admin Templates |
First release | 14 July 2023 |
Last update | 14 July 2023 |
Files included | .css, .html, Javascript .js |
Tags | admin template, admin, bootstrap, backend, pages, admin theme, bootstrap admin template, bootstrap 5, admin crm, crm admin dashboard, crm dashboard, pages dashboard, crm framework |