Display Current Weather Info For WordPressDisplay Current Weather Info For WordPress
Weather Inforamtion Plugin allows you to display weather forecasting of current time, for next few hours and for next few days.
This plugin provides the below functionalities or you can say services you.
1. Display current weather information
2. Forecasting for new few hours by 3 hours interval
3. Forecasting for the next 16 days, or you can display less than 16 days
4. Able to change the label of all the attributes
5. Able to change the language of API response data using language code (Multilingual)
6. You can use coordinates or place names in shortcode like this : [weatherinfo place="Indore"] && [weatherinfo lat="21.1702" lon="72.8311"]
7. Also you can create a page automatically with place names or coordinates.
- Current Weather Information
- For the next Few Hours Forecasting
- Next Few Days Forecasting
- Multilingual
- Shortcode with Location name
- Shortcode with Location Coordinates
- Automatic Page Creation
After Activating this plugin, you have to enter the Open Weather API key which has the ability to display weather information for the next few hours and a few days(16 days).
Open Weather API Key - You have to purchase the openweather api key which has the ability to display current weather, in the next few hours and next few days, for working this plugin properly, You can purchase the API key from here: Open Weather API
How does it Configure?
(1) After Activating this plugin, you have to enter the Open Weather API key which has the ability to display weather information for the next few hours and a few days(16 days).
Open Weather API Key - You have to purchase the openweather API key which has the ability to display current weather, in the next few hours and next few days, for working this plugin properly, You can purchase the API key from here: Open Weather API
(2) After that you need to write the shortcode on which page you want to display weather information. You can write the screenshot in these two ways.
2.1 By passing location name - In this way, you have to pass the name of the location, of which information you want to display.
2.2 By passing coordinates of location - In this way, you have to pass the latitude and longitude of the location, of which information you want to display.
(3) This plugin allows you to change the language of data which you can get from the API and will be displayed on the front end, for that you have to write the language code on the setting page.
Supported Languages - In Openweather API, Click Here.
(4) Also you are able to change the text of the labels, which will be displayed on the front end from the setting page.
(5) For displaying weather information for the next few days, you have an option for how many days you want to display the weather. You are allowed to display max 16 days of weather information.
(6) You are able to create pages automatically without writing a shortcode, from the Create new pages" page.
6.1 Provide Location Name - You can create a page by entering the page title and location name only, the shortcode will be generated automatically with the use of the location name.
6.2 Provide the Coordinates of Location - If you don't want to pass the location name then you can write the coordinates in this section and the weather information will be displayed based on it.
If you provide both, name and coordinates then the shortcode will give the priority to the location name. So the information will be displayed based on the location name.
Category | Plugins / WordPress / Widgets |
First release | 18 April 2023 |
Last update | 18 April 2023 |
Supported CMS | WordPress 4.8, WordPress 4.9, WordPress 5.0, WordPress 5.8, WordPress 5.9 |
Files included | .php, .css, Javascript .js |
Tags | weather, forecast, temperature, wind, sunrise, sunset, forecasting, multilingual, meteorology, weatherinfo, weather information, atmospher, weather conditions, atmospheric conditions, meteorological conditions, weather pattern, humidity, pressure, wind speed, next few hours, next few days, min temp, minimum temperature, max temp, maximum temperature, open weather api |