Microly - Multi Tenant URL Shortener SaaSMicroly - Multi Tenant URL Shortener SaaS
Microly - Multi Tenant URL Shortener with unlimited organization, that is built using the popular Laravel 11 Framework.

Microly - Multi Tenant URL Shortener SaaS
Microly - Multi Tenant URL Shortener with unlimited organization, that is built using the popular...

Microly is a platform for managing URLs/links. Microly allow you to easily shorten links, target your audience based on their location, devices or platform, and provide analytics insights for the shortened links.
You can also integrate with Bitly, Rebrandly, TinyURL, Cittly, BL.INK, T2M and directly manage them from Microly Dashboard. You can create direct link with 301, 302, 303 or various redirect type. With Microly you can also create bio page, custom splash page, link overlay page.
Microly is made for SaaS, so you can easily manage your customer with automated billing system and limit user access. The SaaS feature comes with Extended License.
Demo Links:
Front Page Link: https://short.talhaf.com
Login Page: https://short.talhaf.com/login
Super Admin:
Email: admin@example.com
Password: 12345678
Tenant 1 Admin:
Email: tenant1@example.com
Password: 12345678
Tenant 1 Staff :
Email: staff1@example.com
Password: 12345678
Tenant 2 Admin:
Email: tenant2@example.com
Password: 12345678
Tenant 2 Staff :
Email: staff2@example.com
Password: 12345678
Techs behind it
- Laravel 11
- Stisla Admin Template
- Google Font API
- Font Awesome 5
- JQuery
- DataTables
- SweetAlert
- ChartJS
- iziToast
- Select 2
- Selectric
- Moment.js
- Flag Icons
- Date Range Picker
- Axios
- Bootstrap Select
- RaphaelJS
- NiceScroll
- iCheck Bootstrap
- Bootstrap Colorpicker
- Ionicons
- Cleave.js
- Popper.js
Third Party APIs behind it
- Facebook (Social Login)
- Google (Social Login)
- LinkdIn (Social Login)
- Twitter (Social Login)
- Github (Social Login)
- PayPal (Payment Gateway)
- Stripe (Payment Gateway)
- reCAPTCHA v2 (Captcha)
- reCAPTCHA v3 (Captcha)
- Bitly (Extra)
- Rebrandly (Extra)
- TinyURL (Extra)
- BLINK (Extra)
- Cuttly (Extra)
- T2M (Extra)
- Google Analytics (Pixel Tracking)
- Google Tag Manager (Pixel Tracking)
- Google Ads (Pixel Tracking)
- AdRoll (Pixel Tracking)
- Bing (Pixel Tracking)
- Meta Pixel (Facebook) (Pixel Tracking)
- Twitter (Pixel Tracking)
- LinkedIn (Pixel Tracking)
- Pinterest (Pixel Tracking)
- Quora (Pixel Tracking)
- Yandex Metrica (Pixel Tracking)
- Nexus Segment (Pixel Tracking)
- LINKLY (Pixel Tracking)
- Google (Grabbing Favicon)
- Facebook (Sharer)
- Twitter (Sharer)
- LinkedIn (Sharer)
- Reddit (Sharer)
- WhatsApp (Sharer)
- Telegram (Sharer)
- Skype (Sharer)
- Viber (Sharer)
- Line (Sharer)
- Hacker News (Sharer)
- Messenger (Sharer)
- VK (Sharer)
- Blogger (Sharer)
- Pinterest (Sharer)
- Tumblr (Sharer)
- Mix (Sharer)
- Pocket (Sharer)
- Buffer (Sharer)
- Digg (Sharer)
- Google Safe Browsing (Anti Phishing/Spam)
- APIVoid (Anti Phishing/Spam)
- IpQualityScore (Anti Phishing/Spam)
- Our own API for retrieving installation/update files.
SaaS Ready : The script turns into a SaaS platform. SaaS feature automatically manages all payments through Stripe, PayPal. You can manually manage all your offline payment too.
Separate Dashboard : All organization has its own dashboard.
Multiple Domain : You can create multiple domain for all organization or for specific organization you want. You can also manage root and 404 redirect of a custom domain.
URL Group : You can create custom URL group for all of organization or specified organization. There is no limit!
Third Party API integration : With Microly you can manage your third party URL Shortener.Currently we support Bitly, Rebrandly, TinyURL, BL.INK, Cuttly and T2M
Bio Page : You can crate profile pages with your own image. You can add widgets and links to social media account and you can also customize profile pages with your own custom colors.
Splash Pages : You can create custom splash page. You can set time duration of a splash page.
Link Overlay Pages : Link overlay redirect type will show a fully customizable overlay over destination website. You can set ribbon and link-back URL.
UTM Builder : This tool allows you to easily add campaign parameters to URL's so you can measure Custom Campaigns in Google Analytics. Generate UTM tags easily with and track your campaigns effectively.
Pixel Tracking : Tracking pixels from various services can be attached to links to measure their performance, such as Google Ads, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Facebook, Twitter, Bing and many more.
Schedules : You can set a schedule for a link, that make the link available or expired at specific date and time. You can also set max click limit, that will expire the link when it reached the click limit.
Password Protection Link : You can protect your shortened link with a password. The visitor will be redirect to destination URL after giving the correct password.
Captcha : The script support reCaptcha v2, reCaptcha v3. With captcha you can protect login, register and contact page from spamming.
Redirect Type : You can use custom redirect type method such as 301, 302, 307, 308 etc. (Custom redirect will only apply to direct links).
Multiple URL Shortening : You can short multiple URL's with one click.
Location, Device, Platform Targeting : Links can be redirecting to different destination URL based on user location, device (desktop, mobile, tablet) or platform (Linux, Windows, iOS, AndroidOS etc).
QR Code : Generate and copy a fully functional shortened URL QR code with a single click. You can use Camera or the Code Scanner to scan Quick Response (QR) codes for links to websites, apps, coupons, tickets, and more.
Two Factor Authentication : You can ensure your customer security with Google Two Factor authentication system.
User Friendly UI : Clean and friendly user interface that easy to understood and easy to manage. This script is also mobile responsive.
Social Sharing :You can share your shortened link to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp and more.
Metatags/Opengraph : Microly can fetch Meta/Opengraph tags directly from the destination URL. You can also add your custom tags.
Social Login : Allow user to login with their social account. Currently we support Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Github social authentication.
Developer API : Microly comes with built-in Rest API support. You can short any link from any device with a simple API call. Microly comes with API Explorer documentation.
Google Analytics : You can track your all your site visitor with Google Analytics, all you need to do is enter your tracking code.
Multi-Language Support : Microly comes with 22 language and many more are coming.
Click Logs : You will get all the click log details with client's details information such as IP, Platfoem, Country, City etc.
Roles and Permissions : All user permission on your hand. You can create custom roles with all the permission you want to assign your customers.
Payment Gateway Module : Our flexible automatic payment gateway lets you sell services to anyone. You can accept payments online through PayPal, Stripe, and bank transfers/offline in your own currency, both online and offline.
Pricing Plan Module : You can create your own pricing plan for your customers. Public customers have the option of subscribing to any plan. You can limit access to each plan. You can assign your own role to each plan. Free/Monthly/Yearly/Lifetime intervals are available.
Coupon Module : In the Coupon Module, you can add a discount value & create a special coupon code for your visitors. Use the Coupon Module to promote affiliate coupons & third-party offers for your customers. Impressively present coupons and generate more revenue.
Anti Phishing/Malware : Using Google Safe Browsing API, IPQualityScore API, APIVoid API URLs can be automatically validated against a custom blacklist of domains and keywords.
Sourcecode : The original source code and documentation on how to customize the code are included with every purchase.
Expert Support :Our in-house, expert team is always on hand to help answer your questions,get you started, and grow your presence online. You can contact us any time. The average response time is 24 hours.
The script works on shared, VPS and dedicated hosting plans just check
if your hosting company meets the script system requirements listed below.
Webserver requirements
- Apache webserver with mod_rewrite enabled
- PHP 8.2 to 8.3
- MySQL 5.7.7+ or MariaDB 10.3.17+ database server
- Install on Domain Root path
PHP required extensions
- BCMath
- Ctype
- Fileinfo
- Mbstring
- OpenSSL
- Tokenizer
- ZipArchive
- GD Library
- cURL
- allow_url_fopen enabled
Documentation helps you understand all aspects of your website. Documentation comes with the script.
Release Notes :
17 June 2024 - v3.0.0 - Version 3.0.0 Released (Laravel 11) 22 December 2023 - v2.1.0 - Bug fixed. 06 November 2023 - v2.0.0 - Version 2.0.0 Released (Laravel 10) 12 June 2023 - v1.1.0 - Bug Fixed 09 March 2023 - v1.0.0 - Initial Release
9 months agoecomswift PurchasedRating:I really love this product, and the tracking options this is giving me for my affiliate marketing links. I do prefer inhouse selfhosted solutions for my business, and this is just what was missing on my servers. Great Script. Easy to setup.
Dec 16, 2023
Aug 10, 2023
May 19, 2023
May 15, 2023iPRVerma PurchasedRating:Thanks, ZeroCoders for this beautiful item. I am happy with the first impression and outcome after installation. A big thank you for helping me with the installation.
Thank you, thank you very much.
This item is most recommended if you are an agency, freelancer or anyone who wants to create URL shortening services for themselves or clients.
BTW, geolocation, and device targeting features are my most used features in the previous two days.
Go for it without hesitations.
Wishing you thousand of sales
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PHP Script Installation Service
Don't worry about the installation of your script! Have your PHP Script installed for you.
$29 | Buy now |
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Links |
First release | 9 March 2023 |
Last update | 20 June 2024 |
HTML/CSS Framework | Bootstrap |
Software version | PHP 8.2, PHP 8.3 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, .xml, Javascript .js |
Database | MySQL 5.x |
Software framework | Laravel |
JavaScript Framework | jQuery |
Tags | URL Shortener, short url, link shortener, short link, bitly, tinyurl, url shorter, link shorter, rebrandly, cuttly, t2m, bio page |