DC AnalyticsDC Analytics
Collect data through survey questionnaire and analyze data through various analytics features to boost business
DC Analytics
Collect data through survey questionnaire and analyze data through various analytics features to ...
DCA(Data Collection & Analytics) is an ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) software that is fit for any businesses that want to improve their profits and revenues through detailed and advanced insights into their customer base through creating survey questionnaires relevant to their queries and deriving analytical conclusions required to boost their business performances. This is primarily a business consultancy platform for any kind of business.
Some Core Features Screenshots(Data Visualization):
Some other benefits:
Survey Points Calculation:
You can keep track of our survey points earned from a particular survey by calculating current survey points. This feature is available in each account details in the admin dashboard.
Manage Survey States:
You can manage the states of your surveys from both admin and organisation accounts. The admin panel enables what survey is set to live for public display and survey response taking in the user panel.
Separate Accounts for Custom and Social Authentication:
You can have 2 different accounts - one with a custom authentication using a unique key(like email) and another with a social authentication with either google or facebook and each will have completely separate accounts of surveys created, survey responses being taken from those surveys and so forth.
Shared Authority for Same Roles(User/Org/Admin):
Accounts that share the same role(User/Organisation/Admin), under a particular network will have a shared authority of the account.
- View,create,update,remove survey questionnaires according to their relevant requirements.
- 11 different question types provided for ultra flexibility in generating questionnaires.
- Different types of analytical data generated from the survey responses to give a better bigger picture of business trajectory.
- Survey reports generated from the survey questionnaire and its associated responses for each survey.
- Survey questionnaire data split into two parts: A basic information part & and a detailed questionnaire part. The basic information part is filtered through multiple survey state channels that control survey data flow.
- 3 dashboards of different hierarchical authority for survey questionnaire and response management.
- Lower hierarchical authority based dashboards managed and controlled from higher hierarchical authority based dashboards in numerous ways.
- Different types of settings like mail settings & admin settings for different purposes like event notification management and branding management(logo,styles) respectively.
- Profile management of survey response takers.
- Database backup system in case of data loss event.
- Survey questionnaire & response pdf generation system.
- User location tracking for demographic distribution analysis
- User feedback provision and tracking
- Custom Authentication.
- Social Authentication through Google & Facebook.
- PHP 8.0
- MySQLi PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- cURL PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- MBString PHP Extension
- Mysql 8.0.30
- Apache/Httpd 2.4.54
- MongoDB 6.0
- Angular >= 13
- Npm 8.15.0
- Software Framework: Laravel >= 8.0
User Interface Guide:
Here’s a YouTube playlist that explains how to use the UI of the software:
You can also find a written documentation provided in the item.
Installation Guide:
Here’s a YouTube playlist that explains how to locally install the product on MacOS:
You can find the Windows installation guide in the documentation provided in the item.
Other items by this author
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Polls |
First release | 28 January 2023 |
Last update | 13 November 2023 |
Software version | PHP 8.1 |
Files included | .php, .html, Javascript .js |
Database | MySQL 5.x |
Software framework | Laravel |
JavaScript Framework | jQuery, Node.js |
Tags | html, php, bootstrap, jquery, css, Javascript, erp, survey, angular, laravel, node, npm, questionnaire, data-analytics, business-consultancy |