Venture - Multi-Company Subscription SoftwareVenture - Multi-Company Subscription Software
Multi-Company Quotations, Invoices, Expenses, SMS and Email SAAS Software
Venture - Multi-Company Subscription Software
Multi-Company Quotations, Invoices, Expenses, SMS and Email SAAS Software
Venture is a multi-company Quotations, Invoices, Expenses, SMS and Email subscriptions software. It is the perfect application to host multiple companies sales records at one place. It is SaaS system where different companies can subscribe to sales, expenses, sms and email packages. They then can accept quotations (invoice and receive payments) from customers, manage their expenses ans well as do SMS and email marketing.
Demo Details
Username - [email protected]
Password - adminadmin
URL - https://mybizcms.com/demos/venture
Key Features
Manage companies
You can let companies create accounts and subscribe to your packages. As super admin, you have total control of the company with powers to deactivate their accounts. Companies make their earnings by adding and selling their products/services on your website.
Accept quotations
Easily accept customer quotations with contact details and description of anything they want from your company. Generate invoice, add payment or even comment on any quotations. Get next contact reminders of every quotation. If a customer is not logged in the system, quotations module is enabled automatically. When logged in and "Allow customers place order?" is not enabled, quotations module is also enabled. Note that "quotations module" doesn't show product and services prices. If "Allow customers place order?" is enabled, prices are visible to customers and orders can be placed.
This system helps you focus on your customer in a faster and easier way. Every detail of the client is easily stored and retrieved. You can also import bulk clients easily using the import feature.
Products and Services
For products and services, you can make them sellable or not. Sellable products and services are visible to customers and can be added to quotations. Products can either be physical or digital.
Inventory Control
With the CRM's stock management feature, inventory of products is kept in control. Out of stock products cannot be added to quotations. You can set re-order point and warranty period for physical products.
As super admin you can create sales, expenses, SMS and email packages, see subscription history and can manage status for any subscription easily. Companies/Users can therefore subscribe to the packages in hours, days, weeks, months and years periods. You can also decide whether subscriptions will be approved automatically or manually. A pending subscription cannot be used until it is approved. For , you can price your packages based on the SMS gateway.
- Sales subscription
You can set the number of users, products, product categories, quotations, leads, stages, orders and invoices for companies to subscribe. Alternatively, you opt to earn through commission basis. The commission based package allows companies to create their accounts without purchasing a package, do their sales transactions. A commission is deducted when they request for payouts. You set the commission rate under "Subscription settings". For example if it set as 0.85, the company owner withdraws 85% of their total earnings and you super admin earns the remaining 15%. - Expense subscription You can set the number of expenses and expense categories a company can subscribe to.
- Email subscription You can price your packages based on email gateway and number of emails a company can subscribe to.
- SMS subscription You can price your packages based on SMS gateway and number of SMSs a company can subscribe to.
Subscription Payments
Receive subscription payments from PayPal Pro, PayPal Standard, 2Checkout, Authorize.Net, PayTM, Stripe, PAYU Money, Paystack, SSLCOMMERZ, Voguepay, Esewa, Instamojo, Razorpay, PesaPal, Flutterwave, ToyyibPay, AamarPay, Nagad, Hyperpay online payment gateways that are available in most of the countries. You can decide which payment gateways will be available for subscribers to use and also your set default currency also determines if a particular payment gateway is available for use.
You can choose where to accept orders from customers. With this, orders can be confirmed automatically or manually from within the system. For manual orders, you need to assign a users to validate the orders. If you opt disallow orders, customers will now submit their quotations. Refer to "Accept quotations" for more details.
Build professional and attractive invoices with a click of a button. You can generate invoices on entries to facilitate payments. You can include tax (Flat rate or as percentage) and discounts when generating invoices. Invoices can the be sent to customers in PDF format. You can customize your PDF files in any sizes ranging from A1-A7, font colours and sizes, include thank you note, include admin note, include client note, include terms, etc.
Invoice Payments
Receive invoice payments from PayPal Pro, PayPal Standard, 2Checkout, Authorize.Net, PayTM, Stripe, PAYU Money, Paystack, SSLCOMMERZ, Voguepay, Esewa, Instamojo, Razorpay, PesaPal, Flutterwave, ToyyibPay, AamarPay, Nagad, Hyperpay online payment gateways that are available in most of the countries. You can decide which payment gateways will be available for customers to use and also your set default currency also determines if a particular payment gateway is available for use. You can also record offline (e.g cash) invoice payments.
Expenses module is also in-built with option for recurring expenses. Recurrences can be in hourly, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. The recurrences happen automatically when cronjob is run. You can keep track of any expenditure of your company.
Contact emails and phone numbers can be added in the application. It comes with an option to import bulk contacts at once. You can also create group contacts, which enables users to manage and communicate with them easily. For example, If you want to send an email or SMS to a group, you just need to create a contact group and sent them using it.
SMS and Emails marketing
Compose and send promotional, transactional and notification SMS and emails to your clients or users from within the system. You can send to multiple phone numbers / email addresses, contact groups or upload contacts in CSV format. All Sms and emails sent are recorded in the system. You can control which SMS gateways will be available for use under the SMS settings. For email, you can attach documents and send to users and customers.
Custom SMS and Email Templates
Setup predefined sms and email templates with friendly variables based on a specific item from text editor.
User Roles & Permissions (136+ and counting)
Roles and permissions manager helps you assign specific roles with permissions to users on whatever resources you want them to access. This option is available for Super admin and company admins
Reward your sales team by sending their commission earnings. Sales team members or company owners can request their commissions or earnings. Those with Payouts permissions can proceed to make the payments or decline them. Sales agents make earnings from commissions. Companies make earnings by selling their products and services.
This system can supports multiple languages. The default platform language is English but you can create your own language as your need. You can now set default language for your system. System default language is used in public pages (login, register, forgot_password), and when user has not set their default language under their profile.
You can backup all files uploaded at any point of the system, database in SQL format. For database, you can set automatic backup after every X days to prevent losing your important data. You can opt to do the backups manually or automatically through cronjobs.
Activity logs
Every activity done on this system is fully recorded and can be traced back. To make the system lighter, the logs are recorded in text files but not in the database.
Create dynamic pages like About us, Privacy Policy, Terms and conditions, etc with ease. You can choose to "Show in header, Show in footer, Is this your privacy policy page, Is this your terms and conditions page". For example if a page is for terms and conditions, it will be shown on all register pages for subscribers and customers. They will have to accept before registering.
Homepage settings
You can update homepage image, title and description which will be displayed on the landing page. You can add homepage part title, description, image, set image alignment in relation to description and parts display order. You can as well set the primary colour for the homepage, which is also loaded with subscription packages you create and contact details and form.
Drag and drop homepage builder
The system comes with drag and drop homepage builder capabilities. You can order the homepage items the way you want easily. This feature is available under homepage setting module.
Other advanced settings
You can change logo, favicon, site title, site description, options to Enable or Disable features etc. from Admin Panel. Some of the settings include Payment Settings, Subscription settings, Email templates, Homepage settings, Timezone settings, Order settings, Invoice Settings, PDF settings, Commission rates, Create accounts, Item prefixes, Default language, Default currency, Use currency symbol, Google analytics settings, Font settings, Records per page, DateTime formats, among many others.
This app is fully responsive, that is, You can easily access your data from any device regardless of its size.
Easy Installation Using Installation Wizard & no need any programming skills
This system has support for multiple online payment gateways. You can decide which currency to use on each gateway.
Custom SMS gateways
With this feature, you can integrate and test your SMS gateway on your own. If you test and confirm the API is working, you can proceed to add it to SMS gateways so that you create plans for subscription. It accepts both GET, POST methods and can set Headers/Authorization as well as body of the API.
SMS Gateways
This system comes integrated with one way messaging means that your customers will not be able to reply to the SMS. They include:
Email Gateways
This system comes integrated email options which include:
There are 3 different user levels for this application as listed
- Main admin and staff - Owner of this app and his/her team [Login page - https://yourdomain.com/users/login]
- Company admin (subscriber) and users - Those who subscribe to sales, expense, SMS and email packages [Login page - https://yourdomain.com/users/login]
- Clients / customers (products buyers)- Those who place quotations [Login page - https://yourdomain.com/clients/login]
- PHP 7.2.5+ (PHP 8 Recommended)
- MySQL 5+ (MySQL 8 Recommended)
- MySQLi PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Zip PHP Extension
- cURL PHP Extension
- config.php writable
- Uploads Folder writable
Upload the files to your hosting folder and navigate to your base url - (https://yourdomain.com/app/install).
Make sure all the system requirements are met in order to proceed with installation.
Database Setup
Populate the fields according to your database and Click "Install & Proceed to Company Profile".
If any errors found while connecting you will be notified otherwise you will proceed to complete your profile
Company Profile
Fill all the required details and then "Save & Proceed to your Profile"
The currency you select will be the base currency. It is important to be sure about your choice. Default currency can be changed later but will affect the values of your items, which means you will need to update the items value too
Your Profile
Fill out every field and "Complete Installation".
After successful installation you need to:
Login using the your email and password used during installation
That's it.
Other items by this author
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Miscellaneous |
First release | 19 January 2023 |
Last update | 28 March 2023 |
Software version | PHP 7.3, PHP 7.4, PHP 8.0 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, Javascript .js |
Tags | business, SMS, email marketing, sales management, subscriptions, expense management, SaaS, saas crm, inventory and stock control, multiple currencies, online payment gateways, multiple languages, multi-tenancy |