NMI Payment Gateway Magento 2NMI Payment Gateway Magento 2
Allows you to take the most popular credit card payments through the NMI payment gateway directly on your website
NMI Payment Gateway (Direct Post API) - Magento 2 extension allows you to take credit card payments through NMI Payment Gateway directly on your Magento 2 website. This extension does not store any card details on the shop.
Also, the extension is compatible with other payment gateways:
Payscape, PayKings, Payline, CXPay, SkypeBank Financial, T1 Payments, Durango Merchant Services, BlueDog, National Processing Payment Gateway, PayCertify, Dharma Gateway, Viking Payments, etc.
Network Merchants, LLC (NMI) payment gateway has the tools and services for merchants to accept almost any kind of payment online.
Features of NMI Payment Gateway (Direct Post API) - Magento 2
- Accepted payment directly from your website. Customers don’t need to redirect to Network Merchants Payment page to make payment.
- Supported many payment gateways based on NMI solution, allow you change the Gateway URL from Magento 2 admin panel.
- Secured by NMI
- Accepts all Major Credit Cards / Debit Cards – Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, etc.
- Supported Authorize
- Supported Capture Online
- Supported Refund Online
- Supported Full/Partial Refund
- Supported Order from Magento Backend
- Supported Order with Multiple addresses
- Allow all Countries or Specific Countries
- Enhanced security with CVV verification
- Protected by AVS (Address Verification System)
- Configure easily in Magento backend
- Test and Live Options
- Supported Multiple-stores
- Compatible with NoFraud connect extension
Compatible With
Magento CE: 2.3, 2.4
Magento EE: 2.3, 2.4
Security & PCI Compliance
Once the customers add products to cart and proceed to pay using NMI Payments, they are asked to add card details on-site and it will be transferred back to the merchant’s server before transferred to NMI’s server.
Since merchants do not store or process customer payment information, they will be able to handle more customers. Merchants using the NMI Direct Post API method will be eligible to validate PCI DSS using the SAQ A-EP level of compliance.
Extract the file into app/code/PL/Nmi/
From a terminal, run the following commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
php bin/magento cache:clean