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Dynamic - Responsive Admin Template And FrontendDynamic - Responsive Admin Template And Frontend
Dynamic admin is responsive dashboard template powered by awesome Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.5 Framework.Home / Themes / HTML / Admin Templates

Dynamic - Responsive Admin Template And Frontend
Dynamic admin is responsive dashboard template powered by awesome Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.5 Framework.
Now with Frontend Template
- Pages - Home, Login and register, about us, contact, services, sitemap, faq, 404 and blank page
- Portfolio showcase - 4 columns grid, 3 columns grid, 2 columns grid and single view.
- Blog - Blog list and Blog single item.
- 4 Level navigation
- Responsive design as well.
- Included Slider Revolution plugin worth 14$ ( for free )
Full feature list for Dynamic admin template
- Responsive design
- 3 columns layout (left sidebar, content ,right sidebar)
- Full compatible with bootstrap 3 and up
- Fixed header, fixed sidebar, fixed right sidebar, hided sidebar, toggled sidebar
- Integrated flot charts - Lines, bars, ordered bars, pie chart, with tooltips and auto-update content
- Integrated Chartjs
- Integrated Morris chart
- Jquery sparklines - bars, lines, pies
- Glow gauges, normal gauges
- Form Elements
- Text fields - with autofocus, predefined value, password metter, read-only and disabled fields, with tooltips, min and max length, help blocks, with icons, success input, warning input, error input, small height, large height, grid inputs, appended group, prepared group, with buttons, with dropdowns, tags, file upload
- Predefined width - input-mini, input-small, input-medium, input-large, input-xlarge
- Masked inputs - Phone field, date field, ssn field, product key, eye script, percent
- Textarea - Normal, elastic textarea, with input limit
- Selects - Simple select, multiselect, simple select with filter ( select2 ), multiselect with filter, Dual list box
- Checkboxes - checked, unchecked, disabled, check all checkboxes, inline checkboxes
- Radios - normal, disabled radio, inline radios
- Switches - on/of, disabled states
- Spinners - basic spinner, decimal spinner, currency spinner, time spinner
- Pickers - Date and time picker, date range picker, color pickers, flat color pickers* Form Layouts - Horizontal form, vertical form, with group dividers ( group border), hoverstripped
- Form Validation - required field, email field, min and max value field, password field, range field, URL validation, date validation, number validation, text area, credit card validation, checkbox validation, file upload validation ( including size), select2 validation
- Form wizard - a wizard with steps (nice icons in steps), without steps, horizontal and vertical wizard, a wizard with validation.
- WYSIWYG editor - bootstrap editor, in panel box, in modal
- Markdown editor
- Code Editor
- Tables
- Static tables - basic table, stripped table, hover table, bordered table, responsive table, non-responsive table
- Data tables - basic data tables, with table tools* Notification messages - static messages, callout messages, dynamic messages, regular, info, success and error messages, sticky messages.
- Panels
- Color variations - panel default, panel info, panel success, panel warning, panel danger, panel primary
- Other variations - closed by default, panel with icon, panel with horizontal scrollbar and vertical scrollbar, nested panels* Tiles - all colour variations like panels, with count numbers ( numbers count from 0 to desired digit).
- Plain panels in every color
- Other variations - closed by default, panel with icon, panel with horizontal scrollbar and vertical scrollbar, nested panels* Tiles - all colour variations like panels, with count numbers ( numbers count from 0 to desired digit).
- Plain panels in every color
- Tabs - normal tabs, justified tabs, tabs with tab drop function
- Accordions - accordion-toggle, and only toggle
- Progress bars - normal variations, stripped variations, 5 predefined colours, circular variations with icons, percents
- Sliders - basic slider, with steps, range slider, vertical slider
- Tooltips - tooltip on left, tooltip on top, tooltip on right, tooltip on bottom
- Popovers - popover on left, popover on top, popover on right, popover on bottom
- Modals - short modal, long modal, no footer modal, no header modal, no header and footer modal, large modal, small modal, alert modal, confirm modal, prompt modal, different animation effect for every modal- fadeIn, scale, superScale, fadeInLeft , fadeInRight, fadeInBottom.
- Wells - normal well, small well, large well
- Pills - basic pills, stacked pills, justified pills
- Paginations - pager, pager with aligning links, complex paginations
- Carousels, labels and badges
- Icons - Linea icons, Glyphicons, font awesome pack, skycons pack 10 animated weather icons
- Buttons - small buttons, normal buttons, large buttons, button block, with icons, alternative style, 5 colors, split buttons, with dropdown, with dropup, round buttons, left button, right button.
- Calendar - calendar with drop events, with predefined events, with add event options.
- Bootstrap grid system
- Lists - Unorder list, unstyled list, description list, horizontal description list, list group, list group with links, drag and drop list
- Email app - inbox, collapsible sidebar, write a message and send a message.
- Dropzonejs file manager
- Gallery with filter and lightbox
- Maps - google maps, route google maps, geo location google maps, vector maps
- Invoice page
- Profile page
- Blank page
- Login page, lock screen page
- Error pages - error 403 ,error 404, error 500
- Responsive design
- 3 columns layout (left sidebar, content ,right sidebar)
- Full compatible with bootstrap 3 and up
- Fixed header, fixed sidebar, fixed right sidebar, hided sidebar, toggled sidebar
- Included Slider Revolution plugin worth 14$ ( for free )
- Bootstrap 3.3.5
- Browsers: chrome, firefox, safari, opera, ie11, ie10, ie9
Checkout Our Documentation
Category | Themes / HTML / Admin Templates |
First release | 22 April 2017 |
Last update | 22 April 2017 |
HTML/CSS Framework | Bootstrap, Less |
Files included | .css, .html, .less, Javascript .js |
Tags | admin template, admin, dashboard, bootstrap theme, admin theme, web app, bootstrap admin |