Weather Forecast Script PHPWeather Forecast Script PHP
Weather Forecast Script can provide current weather conditions and tells the forecast for upcoming days.
Weather Forecast Script PHP
Weather Forecast Script can provide current weather conditions and tells the forecast for upcomin...
Weather Forecast Script can provide current weather conditions and tells the forecast for upcoming days. It automatically detects user location and shows the weather data of user city. It also allows you to search specific city or place and show the weather conditions and forecast of that city or place. This script is easy to install and required no database. This script is using OpenWeatherMap API which provides 5 days forecast data for free.
- Easy to Install
- Openweathermap Free API integrated
- 5 days forecast
- Automatically detects user location and show weather forecast
- Worldwide city based search
- No database required
- Have a web OpenWeatherMap API Key
- Have a web hosting to upload script files
- Hosting with Cpanel or FTP
- If you do all things above, you can go to the next step.
- To get the API key, we need to register with openweathermap.org. After signing up, it will redirect us to the profile settings.
- Above the profile settings form, there is a top menu containing several tabs. Click the API Keys tab and copy the API key.
- Open index.php file that is inside “Script_Files” folder and replace the key in variable $api_key with your API key.
- Now login to your cpanel hosting
- Open File Manager via cpanel or ftp server
- Upload all files inside “Script_Files” folder to your folder destination on your hosting
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Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Miscellaneous |
First release | 10 August 2022 |
Last update | 13 June 2023 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html |
Tags | weather forecast, weather php script, openweathermap api |